Mothers' Union
Mothers Union is a Christian organization working through grassroots membership to support families and communities around the world.
Read about Mary Sumner Day 2019 here.
Founded by Mary Sumner in 1890. The organization has grown and developed over the last 130 years. Today, more than 3.6 million Christians in 78 countries work to support marriage and family life. Membership is open for anyone, male or female, and you do not have to be a mother!
All Saints branch meets in the church vestry on the 3rd Thursday each month excluding August when we meet on Mary Sumner Day 9th August. In order to celebrate the life of the founder. Usually celebrated with a strawberry tea at one of our members' home. Likewise in December we meet to enjoy a Christmas lunch at a suitable local venue. At least three times a year we meet with the other Deanery Branches for a social, Advent Carol Service, and a Festival celebration.
Our monthly meetings comprise of a short time of worship, followed by a speaker, on a wide variety of subjects, refreshments, chat and fellowship. The cake is good too!
We are a very friendly caring bunch and look forward to welcoming non-members to share our fellowship, fund raising, and friendship.
Branch leader: Reverend Sue Humphries
For further information please telephone 01527 577808 or email: