What's on this Week

  • To read this week's Church Newsletter in full please click here

Lord, you have taught us
that all our doings without love are nothing worth:
send your Holy Spirit
and pour into our hearts that most excellent gift of love,
the true bond of peace and of all virtues,
without which whoever lives is counted dead before you.
Grant this for your only Son Jesus Christ’s sake,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.

The Second Sunday after Trinity

  • Our WEEKDAY SERVICE is at 10.00 am in the Ruth Heald Room. Holy Communion  will be held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays and Morning Worship on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays.
  • For the little ones, we have,TOWALDS .
    On Mondays, TOTWALDS (9.30 am in Church) takes place.
The  Regular Pattern of Services at St Godwald’s and All Saints’ :
  • 1st Sunday in month:        
    • 8.00 am Holy Communion CW at All Saints’.                                       
    • 10.30 am Joint Service of Holy Communion CW with All Saints' at St. Godwald’s.
  • 2nd Sunday in month:
    • 9.00 am Holy Communion BCP at St Godwald's.
    • 10.30 am Joint Service of Holy Communion CW with St Godwald's at All Saints’.
  • 3rd Sunday in month:
    • 8.00 am Holy Communion at All Saints.
    • 10.30 am Holy Communion CW at St Godwald’s
    • 10.30 am Morning Worship at All Saints'.
  •  4th Sunday in month:
    • 9.00 am Holy Communion BCP at St Godwald's
    • 10.30 am Morning Worship at St Godwald's.
    • 10.30 am Holy Communion CW at All Saints’.
  • 5th Sunday in month:
    • 10.00 am Team Service in various churches.
  • 4th Saturday in month:
    • 5.00 pm Cafe Church at St Godwald's.
  •  Evening Zoom Services every Sunday will be at 6.00 pm.

The SERVICES for JUNE are:

Saturday 1st June:
  • 5.00 pm Soul and Senses at All Saints' Church led by Rev'd Deb Buckley and Gill Gould
Sunday 2nd June:  Trinity 1
  • 8.00 am Said Holy Communion at All Saints' Church led by Rev'd  Sue Humphries.
  • 10.00 am St Michael and All Angels, Stoke Prior: Joint Holy Communion (CW) with All Saints’ led by Rev’d Paula Honniball (Paula’s last service)
  • 6.00 pm Evening Gathering on Zoom led by Rev’d David Ford (Zoom)
Sunday 9th June:  Trinity 2
  • 9.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) at St. Godwald’s Church led by Rev’d David Ford
  • 10.30 am  All Saints': Joint Holy Communion (CW) with St Godwald's led by Rev'd David Ford
  • 6.00 pm Evening Gathering on Zoom led by Rosemary Sumner.
 Sunday 16th June:  Trinity 3
  • 8.00 am Said Holy Communion at All Saints’Church led by Rev'd Sue Humphries.
  • 10.00 am St. John’s: Reach Out Bromsgrove Celebration led by Rev’d Ray Khan
  • 6.00 pm Evening Gathering on Zoom led by Judith Rowe (Zoom)
Sunday 23rd June:  Trinity 4
  • 9.00 am  Holy Communion (BCP) at St. Godwald’s led by Rev’d David Ford
  • 10.30 am  St Godwald’s Patronal Festival: Morning Worship led by The Friends of St Godwald's
  • 10.30 am  Holy Communion (CW) at All Saints’ led by Rev’d Deb Buckley
  • 6.00 pm Evening Gathering on Zoom led by Rosemary Sumner.
 Saturday 29th June:
  • 5.00 pm St Godwald’s Café/Pizza Church led by  Kirsten MacDonald and Rev’d David Ford
Sunday 30th June: Trinity 5
  • 10.30 am All Saints’: Joint Holy Communion (CW) with St Godwald’s led by Rev’d David Ford.
  •  Zoom Services - please see latest Newsletter and/or Worship page for logon details
  • Please contact the Parish Office for any enquiries.

Please see the Parish "Online Church" tab for the latest information about the impact of the virus on church life, these include:

Rev David Ford has made his sermons, and those of other members of the church available.
Read this week's sermons -  here and here
Previous sermons can be accessed here.

Pastoral Letter:
Read the latest Pastoral Letter
Previous Pastoral Letters are listed below

Previous Pastoral Letters:

 To see the previous Newsletters click on the date below: