Prayers and Poems to encourage you
Enjoy the poetry of Judith Rowe, of St Godwald's Church. Judith has published several books of her poetry; for information, please contact the Parish Office.
As the Darkness turns to light
The dark clouds finally disappear as I open up my eyes
Murkiness and shadows make way for clear blue sky’s
A heavy weight inside my heart gets lighter by the hour hour
Wake up and smell the flowers feel Gods amazing power
The music from the organ was so good for my soul
It raised the rafters of the Church I once again felt whole
The weeks that I have wasted inside that dark black pit
The tablets I’d been given changed nothing not one bit
But oh, the music filled me so my heart it felt on fire
I wanted more of this great noise so much was my desire
Can music be the answer to lift the dark black gloom
That sometimes keeps me prisoner as I sit inside the room
Gently calling “open the latch and slowly turn the key
So much more is waiting here trust me Ill set you free”
Can anyone relate like me some days you feel unable
To motivate and just get on but somehow feel unstable
Your body seems to say to you today is not the day
But somehow in your mind you think I have to find a way
To lift this overpowering cloud that hangs above my head
A little walk will do me good not staying here in bed
Such joy it feels to just lie there with covers pulled up tight
Not knowing in the darkness is it day or is it night
Wearily you make a choice I really must get started
To challenge what the day might bring but somehow feel downhearted
There are many folks much worse than me who have to carry on
So, stop this” poor me “feeling big smile now just get on
I ask the Lord so many times can I talk to anyone ?
Not tablets just to explain the dark days have not gone
Do I really need to ask but sit quiet and still my mind
And hear the words you speak to me the voice that is so kind
My body does need healing and I know that I must rest
Not challenge it by soldiering on and do only what is best
Thank you for the quiet times the stillness and the calm
And feel the presence of the peace and a kindly loving arm
Appreciative Times
I have been ill (there I have said it) in hospital days on end
Every day just wishing for my painful back to mend
Hooked up to an IV line not allowed much out of bed
Could I have a shortish walk” NO “is what the doctor said
I felt so low and miserable but also really sorry
Having to say to family back at home I’m fine you mustn’t worry
Then home at last such joyful news in my own bed I now sleep
When morning comes, I look outside and take a little peep
the whiteness of the snowdrop and the smallest daffodils
I need to take my medicine, but these are better than the pills
I take more time now I am home not rushing everywhere
” Come to me “Jesus said I am here you know I care
And so, in Lent it comes to mind of the sacrifice he made
40 days and nights he walked alone but still he prayed
Now I must take more time to pray for Jesus being there
And like the care the nurses gave he showed his love and care
Sometimes in life the world slows down and gives you time for thought
Of all the joys you have in life precious things that can’t be bought
Our health is one we never think one day I might be ill
Rushing round forgetting prayer till abruptly you stand still
We need you lord in everything not just in times of stress
Never should I think today that I might need you less
Just look around at nature close your eyes and feel the air
Thankful to the end of days just knowing you are there
My stay in hospital
The first thing you noticed is the smell not a good thing when you are feeling unwell
All wards are kept spotlessly clean as twice daily they come armed with giant Mr Sheen
They scrub and they polish with faces quite red as they struggle so hard to get under your bed
With the bucket and mop all doused in bleach from under the bed they find someone’s teeth
Once that is done it’s time for your OBS woken at 5 no time for slobs
Blood pressure taken duly put down head felt for fever you can finally lay down
I was lucky in as much I escaped the bed bath the route from my bed formed a well trodden path
I get out of bed “can I please have some towels “ of course Mrs Rowe have you opened your bowels “
Peace in the bathroom just close the door tight if a stranger walks in Is a terrible fright
6 am comes first meal of the day most are still sleeping as I quietly say
Please not the porridge i’ll Just have the toast 1 slice of brown I enjoy that the most)
Doctors come round with a small entourage listening intently they know he’s in charge
Head round the curtain “And how are you today I’m fine you shout back as he heads on his way
Daily you are weighed (don’t ask me why) A big chair is hauled in and you just want to die
You are gaining some weight you can ill afford they tell everyone across the whole ward
Fat tired and miserable you like on your beds don’t settle down it’s time for your meds
The noise is deafening it blasts in our ears
We should be used to it as we have known it for years
But this seems more constant not a second between
Till the next blast enfolds us amidst the horror we have seen
The Middle East the melting pot known as our Holy Land
Then an image appears through the blood and the sand
Closer he gets as his arms open wide, whispers
“Come to me now and lay here by my side
I am here with you now and I know you are tired
If you meet me halfway no more guns will be fired
Just remember I’m here you are never alone
My arms tightly round you protects the seed I have sown
When you reach me just stop and put out your hand
Hear the singing of birds flying over your land
Watch the blackness go slowly till it turns oh so bright
Now open your eyes to a glorious sight
The white is so brilliant but suddenly you see the
Ones gone before you who have reached out to me
Let there be Peace
The dancing and singing the joy and the Fun
On that Saturday evening with the last of the Sun
We enjoyed every moment young spirits ran free
Blinded by laughter we just couldn’t see
The shadowy figures above in the sky
So softly landing we never knew why
They randomly shot us the young and the old
Snatching young babies from the family fold
The screaming the bloodshed the stench of the dead
While still silently soaring just over our head
Were the rest of the killers just waiting on hand
To finish the carnage and take back their land
The shooting just stops no more crying is heard
And over our heads the white flash of a bird
Floats slowly then hovers, whispers “let this war cease”
Sighs the beautiful bird the white dove of peace
What is Black Dog
Black Dog, Black Fog, Black thoughts all around
Your head full of thoughts just go spinning around
You try to stand up, but your balance just goes
You feel you are falling the horror just grows
Please stop go away let my mind be at peace
Why keep on coming why can’t you just cease
Clearness is needed not a hole that’s just black
I need to have time and get my sanity back
Keep calm and slow breathing rids the black pressing down
Takes time but eventually out of my dressing gown
I now face the day one step at a time
Take my coffee do a crossword that’s a good sign
No words are spoken just a gradual release
Of all those emotions just gives me a peace
Slowly take stock of the goodness around
Just quiet and peace maybe just a small sound
Of a cheerful Robin just there in a tree
Singing out loud “Just see what I see”
Slowly just slowly the day looks more clear
Chirruping Robin your song is so dear
Bad days are seldom the black stays away
Locked in a little box and so I can pray
Thank you, Dear Lord you have answered my prayers,
And the black box stays silent under the stairs
AS it skims over water,
we spot the bright blue
Not easy to see as it goes out of view
The feathers of blue and of translucent green
Such a beautiful bird yet so rarely seen
The Kingfisher has such a very short life
Few live to be adults as they face so much strife
Tiny and fragile not many survive
Dying of hunger and cold as they strive
Mothers hold onto their fledglings “now you must go”
Out in the big world to the cold wind and snow
Too see one whilst walking is such a rare thing
But in those few moments such joy this bird brings
In these quite few moments we can see here on Earth
We pray for this little bird and give thanks for its birth
Random Destruction
The sycamore tree in the gap proudly stood
Such a sight in the distance a landmark so good
So many have walked past and touched the great tree
Or sat down beneath with a flask full of tea
Walkers have seen it and made it their goal
To reach that great sycamore whilst out on a stroll
So many pictures and poetry written
By so many people who have been truly smitten
And wondered like many what have you seen
Through your three hundred years on that walkway so green
Wars and disasters have not knocked you down
Elegantly standing like the jewel in the crown
A natural beauty through the seasons you’ve stood
Stripped bare of leaves then in spring the new bud
Gradually Summer so green and so tall
The autumn descends and the leaves start to fall
The orange and brown leaves scrunch under our feet
None of us knowing of the fate you would meet
The pain you must feel now you are chopped to the ground
Lying there dead and not making a sound
In the blink of an eye
Earthquakes and flooding we often ask why
That whole lives can changes in the blink of an eye
The mystery of life our creation and birth
Are wonders and mysteries we are given on earth
But also, the bad things that happen and WHY?
Can someone’s world change in the blink of an eye
How do they cope with the anger and pain
That death and destruction has happened again
Bodies are buried beneath rubble and stone
Hands clawing fiercely to bring loved one’s home
And river of sand that looks just like blood
Comes torrenting down filled with debris and mud
Homes and possessions just swept away
Nothing is left but the smell of decay
That reeks in the air as they search in the rubble
And at home I just watch in my comfortable bubble
The horror and pain that I watch on TV
And quietly saying “Thank God” that’s not me
So, what can I do I say to myself
I can’t solve it all, but I do need to help
The life that I lead are riches to others
I need to remember they are my sisters and brothers
Money is needed and I need to raise more
Look for the bucket sat at the Church door
Sunsets and Sunrise
To sit and watch the sunset at the closing of the day
No need to speak just quietly watch as the sun just slips away
Watching from a cliff top or in your garden in damp air
The sinking of the golden globe compels you just to stare
At the wonders of our planet earth when day turns into night
Small creatures appear their day begins, as Bats take off in flight
The darkness quickly happens, and the day just slips away
The redness of the sky brings forth, we hope a better day
Early morning sunrise and the dawn chorus of the birds
Another wonderment to see stay quiet you don’t need words
And if you get the chance, take a walk as you just wake
The freshness and the morning chill give you that small break
Of collecting thoughts and thankfulness to our dear lord above
Reminding us of many things but especially his love
The wonders of the Forest
You walk along your mind elsewhere blackened thoughts not ones to share
The forest calls the damp dark trees beckon you they gently tease
You are quite afraid of this dark place but feel the need to go and face
Whatever this black space reveals the quietness and then the squeals of
Something flying overhead rustles branches near your head
You jump and feel a mesh about your face feeling like a piece of lace
A busy spider works away a web in which to catch his prey
Stumbling on over mossy stumps frightened more you get goosebumps
The forest still just draws you in leaves behind the endless din
Of busy lives no time to think someday feeling on the brink
Of falling off who knows to where but stop! because some people care
They also want this noise to cease they welcome you” come find your peace
Into the light there is a seat where you can rest your weary feet
Get rid of all those thoughts so dark quietly sit and leave a mark
Of thankfulness for all you hold family friends bring joy untold
And also, there is one good friend will never leave has time to spend
And listen to your joys and tears and reassure you of all fears
Just take the time it’s not too late someone is listening just quietly wait “
Does God get Angry (you bet he does)
From bright vibrant sunshine to jet black sky
These changes can happen in the blink of an eye
And suddenly crack a great noise in the sky
Eerie feeling just happens, and you wonder why
A small spot of rain then hits the ground
Again and again with so little sound
Outdoors the birds they hide in the trees
The wind then gets up from just a small breeze
And rain starts to pour like a wound that can’t heal
Beating the ground with an anger you feel
Relentless it pours and the lightening just cracks
Thunder just roaring what a punch it just packs
Drawn to the window you’re glad you’re inside
But suddenly you’re out there you don’t want to hide
You just want to feel the rain has it pours
Soaking your skin yet opening your pores
To a fresh feeling of newness all over your skin
Fills your body with goodness and ridding of sin
The rain then it eases but you linger a while
Smelling the newness, you then start to smile
Gods anger is over well just for a while.
Taking offence
It can just be a word or even a look or something I have just overheard
And then just like that your day can change from upbeat to end of the world
Why do I beat myself up all the time and not able to cast it aside
Then tell myself off for not responding at once but bottle it up deep inside
Inside my head I say many times just stop now and please act your age
And ask why a comment a look or a word can fill me with such utter rage
An old woman now not a silly young girl I should know it’s not a big deal
So why do I keep going over it all in recapturing the hurt that I feel
Am I too old to change do I just carry on getting hurt not saying a word
And then I remember that what had been said and it really is quite absurd
So, I really must try to just let it go and consider “do I just overreact”
As hurt as I feel as it done any harm just my pride and that is a fact
So yes, sticks and stones can break your bones it is so obvious to see
But flippant remarks, I will cast on one side where they can never harm me
Step step step click, there goes the sound of my walking stick
After 3 steps it hits the ground very rarely makes a sound
But like a lot of helpful things my stick doesn’t know the joy it brings
It helps me when the path is straight and helps me over a five-bar gate
It helps me when I go uphill firmly steadily holding me still
And even better when at the top my stick then does become my prop
I look around the land below knowing downhill I will be slow
But no just like a steadying hand it guides me down to flatter land
And on we go my friend and I sometimes further we will say “we’ll try”
But yes, he is my friend in need, to lean on weary when I’ve lost speed
Then off again we walk along through field and hedgerows and grass so long
Together we enjoy (he’s my third hand) he steadies me and helps me stand
I call him stick some say its odd but really, I mean my good friend God
Rainy, thick mud underfoot as up the hill we climb
Stopping, starting out of breath running out of time
We need to make this final pull until we reach the top
Just one last push and then the view now you can finally stop
Miles and miles of bluebells. Vibrant green and a sea of blue
You blink your eyes to clearly see, the magnificence of the view
How to explain that every year this beautiful array
The colour the smell of this small flower just takes your breath away
Many say it looks like carpet as the blue goes on forever
I need to say a Big Thank You to God your creation is so clever
The winter months so long and dark with maybe a misty view
Then you produce this humble flower which makes a sea of blue
When you are low and feel the world is not a happy place
The flowers that God created can fill a lonely space
And many a little flower though trampled on each year
They know the time to leave the earth and suddenly appear
God’s creation doesn’t need to be a huge spectacular place
You sometimes only catch a glimpse of beauty and such grace
The words I hear when I take time and so often, I recall
“All things bright and beautiful, the Lord God made them all”
The joy of Spring
The snowdrops gradually fade and wilt, their heads are tucked away
Such joy they bring in Winter months when everywhere looks grey
And slowly tiny coloured heads of crocus look up toward the sky
The tress still bare but these small flowers appear you wonder why?
Then daffodils their golden hue appear and suddenly its spring
It can be cold but wrapped up warm enjoy the birth it brings
And little robin redbreast sings out a joyful trill
He wakes each morning full of life a day ahead to fill
How does the sound from this small bird come from that tiny breast
He sings along for hours on end why does he never rest
We close our eyes and miss so much but the Robin looks around
He sees the beauty as he sings and that why he makes that sound
Us humans hurry on our way sometimes a worried frown
But little birds they know their cheery songs will never let you down
So teach us more to be aware of every sound and sight
Then maybe we will realise that God had got it right
The smallest bird and tiniest flower can lift you when you are sad
Take time out occasionally and realise not everything is bad
The Last Supper and what The Eucharist means to me
Can you imagine the atmosphere, in the room where the Supper was held
Nervous eyes on Jesus not directly but somehow still feeling compelled
To look at this man for one last time as he so graciously served first the bread
And wondering why with his miracles performed so many still wanted him dead
A young man still with so much ahead but very soon his life would be gone
United with God his Father who had given him to us knowing the work to be done
And Jesus did try and recruited some more to follow and learn from his ways
The good to be done the lives to be healed and miracles too many to praise
Humbly they lived travelling mile after mile spreading good news as they went
But many resented the good Jesus did and destroying him was their soul intent
Rounded up, then facing a bigoted trial his fate was already sealed
Forgetting this man as he stood battered and bruised all the souls he had healed
And so on that night when he took round the wine and told them that was his blood
Given to them and blessing them all in the hope that the end would be good
So for me when I hold out my hands, and first I am given the bread
I remember the words Jesus uttered that night “This is my body “he said
Such fulfilment and joy when you first take the bread and sip from the chalice the wine
What Jesus gave ME in that dark dusty room was the power of his love so divine
Silence is golden or is it
You yearn to sit in silence the noise is just too much
How you would love to shout out loud “be quiet and can you shush”
But when silence is thrust upon you and your hearing slowly fades
How you would love to hear again the noise of digging spades
Or children laughing as they play, their shrieking noise such joy
Even if they are squabbling having to share a favourite toy
Or the sound of gale force wind as it echoes through the trees
The squalling of the seagulls rising high above the seas
Or even constant dropping, of the rain upon the ground
The gurgling of a baby making such a gorgeous sound
All our senses God provides sometimes we fail to see
Without the noise the smell the feel how boring lives would be
Next time I hear loud noises I most certainly won’t shout
“Be quiet” and cover up my ears trying to hide these noises out
We have so much to thank God for , and when you no longer hear
You miss the times he says to you “Don’t worry I am near”
Changing of the Seasons
We change the clocks and dark sets in and now the Winter seasons in
Shorter days and darker nights and freezing cold the wind it bites
Many hours we stay indoors and cannot be bothered with the chores
And to many folk days can be blue no family calls to check on you
But one new morning we get more light even the garden shows new life
A tiny flower begins to show it even buds beneath the snow
An aptly named small flower appears a Snowdrop can dispel your fears
Because we know that when we are sad Our God just wants us to be glad
More light of step you venture out and in early March daffodils are out
Golden heads stand so proud “I wandered lonely like a cloud”
Wordsworth poem just says it all the golden daffs which stand so tall
And then in April comes the showers you run to hide beneath the bowers
It really is the gentlest rain and so you venture out again
Enjoying April May as well till June arrives and who can tell
What this month the weather will bring. But safely say its warmer than Spring
July and August the English Rose, bloom after bloom the perfume flows
Outdoors in the garden bed, but if inside it can be said
The perfume flows through every bloom as you enter in another room
You could not capture if you tried the scent this flower can provide
And now to Autumn the colours change golden browns of every range
Yellows too and deepest red as God just gently puts to bed
The tallest tree and littlest hedge, as Winter nears the leaves are dead
But the wonder of our changing seasons is here for all the best of reasons
Now is the time Nature must rest and then in Springtime look their best
Try to look on the bright side
Some days there’s joy, sometimes there’s sorrow
and often you say” Can’t wait till tomorrow”
But isn’t it best to embrace each new day
Take hold of the good bits and perhaps some of the grey
We cannot assume tomorrow will come
Bringing just joy and laughter, to make us less glum
No, we must accept what each day will bring
Same for the beggar or even a King
Whoever you are or wherever you be
Something could happen that you just couldn’t see
So once the rain stops and the sky turns to blue
Step out if you can and just look at the view
Maybe just one bit will cheer you no end
A break in the sky or a wave from a friend
Or a child just learning to pedal his bike
Or a party of friends just out on a hike
Look slowly around and sometimes the bad
Can ease for a minute and make you less sad
Think of the memories you have on your heart
A lifetime maybe but still a big part
Of all the good times the laughter the smiles
No creaky bones when you could walk for miles
And sit on a hilltop and take in the view
No words were needed just thankful its true
So, on my bad days when I can’t see through the grey
Just go to my memory box and then softly pray
Thank you, Lord Jesus, and Father, above
Yes, I’ve had sorrow, but I’ve also had love
What a difference a day makes
The darkness and blackness have finally gone
The sky’s looking bluer and the sun actually shone
I open the curtains and see a new day
So pleased that my saviour had heard me pray
“Dear Father above please take all my sorrow
Please help me wake to a brand-new tomorrow
Don’t let the bad thoughts lead to such strife
Remind me of all that is good in my life”
My family my friends are precious to me
And now nearly Christmas the gifts round the tree
The Church looking great lit with candles galore
And young children waiting outside the Church Door
The oranges dressed the sleigh bells now jingle
Rosy red faces as they await the Christingle
And finally comes the best day of all
When we remember our saviour born in a stall
And small children sing their voices so sweet
Are snugly wrapped up and cosy warm feet
Away in a Manger the words we know well
A reminder to all the story they tell
I am just like you
Please don’t look down when you see me walk by
Just some eye contact or even a Hi
I may look different but look under my skin
I’m just like you so let me begin
“I was born to a mother see I am just like you
But one day I found myself just out of view
It was perhaps me who could not conform
And some days just wishing I hadn’t been born
I was offered help, but some folks couldn’t see
I’m unable to change can’t you see this is me
So, I left and at first wow the freedom I felt
But soon I found out the hand I had been dealt
Out on the street when the light goes away
Darkness soon hits you in your hidden doorway
So yes, you then have to learn to survive
In a subway with a blanket just barely alive
And you just see shoes as these people walk by
No words can come as softly you cry
I just want some money only maybe a pound
Or hand me a hot drink as I’m hunched on the ground
Do not look and judge me you don’t know me at all
Once I was upright so how did I fall
Jesus befriended the poor and the weak
And I just want someone to listen while I speak
You will be in a hurry with Christmas so near
But just a Hi and a smile you have nothing to fear
And as you sing Carols swap presents galore
Remembering Jesus our saviour was born for us all
On a cold winters night in a stable so small
So, although I look different, (I know this is true)
I was born to a mother so I am just like you
When God above made his creation,
would he believe the devastation
Man has done throughout the years
Wars and famine many tears
Try as we might, we cannot get on,
Jesus did try (his only Son)
To bring to earth such joy and peace
but evil ways will never cease
They whipped and lashed him to a cross
and told him “You are not the Boss
He never moaned just took the blame
called to his father by his Name
“Father forgive them” he said to our God
the whole of his body now covered in blood
Crying out” for they no not, what they do,
But for me now my father, I only want you”
Christians all over pray for world peace
Hoping that one day hatred will cease
We sense our dear Father and a comforting arm
Silently saying stay still and keep calm
So today I will look at the good things in life
Forget for one moment the trouble and strife
Look forward and see the beauty around
Of that tiny, small flower in cold winter ground
As it peeps its small head with its face to the sun
Waiting with patience until springtime does come
And sheep in the meadows awaiting their lambs
And young Mums with babies asleep in their prams
Life can look black if you only see sad
But change your direction is it really that bad
In Advent we await the birth of your Son
Enjoy every moment new life has begun
The Season of Goodwill
Can you be happy when the sky is so grey
And just bad news you are hearing day after day
Then come 3 o’clock the curtains you draw
And the lonely sit waiting for a knock on the door
To some, Christmas day is not a good time
Nor do they want to hear Church bells that chime
If you are lonely you don’t want to hear
“Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year”
Lest we forget in this season of joy
The celebrations are for the birth of that boy
Who God sent to us as a baby so small
Who was born in a stable a Lord for us all
His parents were lonely that cold winter night
As they looked for just someone to shine a bright light
And say” come on in you are welcome with us”
Make yourself welcome please don’t make a fuss”
All of Gods Children are welcome in here
The darkness has gone you have no need to fear
And Mary your child will be here before dawn
And Joseph will find that his son has been born”
All over this world many people are sad
Who would gladly accept the welcome they had
Remember the lonely and the ones on the street
Who would welcome an invite “Please come in and eat”
Call on a neighbour or pick up the phone
Make sure that no one is all on their own
So just for one day help one person at least
And let them enjoy the great Christmas Feast
Not just of food but the joy of this day
Jesus our Saviour asleep on the hay
Feeling lonely
A bedraggled little sparrow sits upon a tree,
thinking to himself “what has become of me”
I used to be this little bird who strutted round outside
apart from prowling cats I didn’t need to hide
But now I lock myself away ashamed of how I look
I need to preen myself a bit and get a brand-new look
A guiding hand and a voice to say “Little bird just fly”
I know it won’t be easy and you know I never lie
But once you wave your wings a little and feel the warming breeze
you will begin to feel less stressed, and so much more at ease
Its hard to take those first few steps when you are feeling so alone
The world sometimes against you and all your friends have flown
But have they turned against you or is it just because you are sad
That all you see are bad times not of all the fun you had
Look back into your memory box and remember better days
Of summer months and butterflies and honeybees that laze
Amongst the pollen of the flowers oh how those days were sunny
The bees their hunger satisfied turned the nectar into honey
Of starry nights, the silence broken only by the tweeting of an owl
The foxes frolicking on the lawn and the hares fight jowl by jowl
So little bird just don’t be alone fluff up your feathers and fly
And as I watch you by my door I will smile and wave goodbye.
Being Poor
We live in a world where the powerful get rich
And the lowest of people may sleep in a ditch
Where the people with money can buy what they like
And the poor will make do with a second-hand bike
Where money means everything and boy do they brag
Spending thousands of pounds on a designer handbag
And not just the handbags matching shoes on their feet
And the poor are trying frantically to make their ends meet
The rich recline on their yachts sipping sparkling champagne
And the hungry and homeless stand outside in the rain
How can our country where the rich boast their wealth
And the poor open cupboards no food on the shelf
A country where children have only one meal
And the rich just look down as they make a new deal
A country where food banks are needed and used
And people who use them sometimes are accused
Of trying to get something because they know it is free
The rich not understanding it is for tonight’s tea
When the rich can afford a home full of treasures
And they have no idea of the desperate measures
The poor have to go to and sometimes in shame
They visit the food bank “Please don’t ask my name”
I hope one day where our world will care more
And those silently hiding are no longer poor
Are able to have a good place to call home
Not treasures on walls, but no longer to roam
To have some dignity and be human once more
And be happy and grateful as they close their front door
Lord in your mercy
Hear my prayer
Feeling gloomy
The Autumn nip is in the air, the trees are turning brown
And dampness covers all your clothes as you venture into town
The shops no longer have appeal as the prices seem to soar
Each week you purchase even less than you did the week before
How to manage getting food that will fill an empty belly
They should not keep promoting trash like they are doing on the telly
Of course, they want a pizza or a burger for their tea
And you give them jacket potato and they say” is this for me”
You have put us on a budget at the worse time of the year
Can we pay our heating bills or overcome the fear
Of our house being taken from us as we can’t afford the rent
You are crushing ordinary folk like us on that you are hell bent
We do not seek great riches just enough for food and heat
And keep a roof above our heads not living on the street
Do not patronise us with small talk of “it’s a price we all must pay”
Try telling that to some poor soul who hasn’t ate all day
Maybe if you have a conscience, you might just spare a thought
Whist you are sipping at your whiskey of the misery you have brought
The anguish and the upset of thousands as they struggle
So just get into the real world and step outside your bubble
Paddington Bear
Paddington sat a sad little soul as a tear fell down on his bread
He couldn’t believe the news he had heard, The Queen his best friend was dead
Deep in thought he remembered the very last time they had spoke
It was afternoon tea when suddenly crack, the cup in his hand it just broke
Worse still was to follow when eating his cake, the cream splatted over his face
Some landed too on a footman’s face Paddington felt such utter disgrace
But no, the dear lady just smiled and said now you know I’m not one to brag
Under your hat you keep favourite food, but mine I keep in my bag
And with one great flourish she showed and admitted her favourite treat
Was a marmalade sandwich she said “Shall we eat
Such happy times as we played with our spoons tapping out a tune (both in time)
And the crowds outside roaring God Save The Queen that moment for me was divine
So, rest my dear friend you were loved by us all and from me just one last word
“As I’m sitting here sad and alone is that the tapping of spoons I’ve just heard”
Queen Elizabeth RIP
The day we all knew would inevitably come, our long serving Monarch Has died
A Nation in mourning for our much-loved Queen not many people dry eyed
Not once in her reign did, she speak “about me” and that was part of her magic
When her soulmate her rock died her sparkle just went to see her demise was so tragic
But no, she had sworn all her life to just serve for how many years that would be
A young girl was crowned, her life changed overnight and this was the face we would see
Through scandal and turmoil, she rode through the storm inside her heart was full of much sorrow
What Mother could bear all the pain and the hurt and she still had to face a tomorrow
The headlines the scandals for the world all to read not once did her dignity fall
With determined demeanour she just carried on serving her people one and all
70 years we have known no one else. so your loss to us all is profound
But who would deny you a peace at long last reunited your Loved One you have found
Our majesty the Queen
Not related by blood but her Death shook the world
From countries all over the respect just unfurled
A Mother and grandmother no different at all
When her earthly days ended, she just followed the call
Tired and weary we saw at the end
now was the time for her duty to end
She heard our Lord saying its time to come home
You have served all your kingdom no more need to roam
Your loss to us will take time love and care
But graciously we acknowledge your son is now heir
So, Rest now your majesty you have done us all proud
And at the top of our voices, we will sing aloud
Through trumpets from heaven our voices will ring
Joining the Angels God Save the King
Thoughts on life
Thoughtful, pondering looking out
Just wondering what this life’s about
One day you wake and feel OK
To just another ordinary day
And suddenly then just out the blue
You hear some news, can it be true
Maybe a loved one not to well
Or some far country going through hell
You pray to God on bended knee
And wait and hope until you see
A gleam of light just gets to you
And gives you hope to get you through
The quietness helps when thoughts are bad
Don’t interrupt when I feel sad
Just cling on to that beam of light
And pray that it will be all right
Still sit thoughtful looking out
Realise now what life’s about
Following Jesus
Hang on a minute is it something we’ve said
Or have you just got out the wrong side of the bed
You are walking so fast we are having to run
And we are trying so hard to keep out of the sun
Thank you, at last you are going much slower
I can feel my blood pressure is starting to lower
And finally, now you have found a cool tree
Can we sit down with you is the room for us three
What do you mean when you say we don’t get it
We try hard and yes sometimes we forget it
We know you told us it could get quite bad
To follow you faithfully and never get mad
We have done our best but sometimes we stray
And often not realize we have no time to pray
We hear you, we have got it, we pray as we walk
We pray and we listen each time that you talk
Sometimes we need to just pull out the bits
So, the story you are saying suddenly fits
And next time we can see you that you really are mad
Its not that you think that we are all bad
You have little time to say whilst you are on earth
For us to continue your story from birth
Our God your Father made Mary your mother
For you to convert every sister and brother
That our lives must be one of forgiveness and love
Of pureness and holiness like a white turtle dove
We will do our best and we will listen more
And we will still follow when our feet feel so sore
Till the time that you leave us, as we know we must part
We have heard what you told us it here on our heart.
Breathless wanders of walking
Oh, how we panted up the hill, yes, we will make it I know we will
Do not look up you will regret, no end in sight you are not there yet
Finally, you are almost there legs so sore from wear and tear
You catch your breath that final push and you get an amazing adrenaline rush
Then on the top you look and sigh how far you can see with your naked eye
“My the buildings look so small don’t bend to far you must not fall”
And finally relax some more, you remember what you climbed up for
Remembering drovers from years ago moving their lambs from all that snow
They battled over hills and moor against the wind and gales of course
No fine cut boots or all-weather gear they wore the same throughout the year
A humble life tough as well and oh the tales that they could tell
So, sit and take in all you see, pull out your flask and drink your tea
Jesus calms the Storm
It started off so calm and still that evening in the boat
Jesus settled on a seat as we began to float
And suddenly the rain beat down and the sky it was so black
The shore now looked so far away there was no turning back
Our boat seemed small the waves lashed in, and boy did we feel queasy
On his cushion Jesus slept and not at all uneasy
“Do we wake him” a voice cried out “of course we do you fool”
“The waves are getting stronger this is not a paddling pool”
Panicking and scared to death we all began to shout
Rubbing eyes and stretching arms “What’s all the fuss about”
Jesus stood rebuked the storm as we stood there like drowned rats
Immediately the wind it calmed, as we lowered ourselves on mats
Shaking still with cold and fear Jesus looked at us dismayed
“I can’t believe you have no faith at all why are you so afraid”
Back on his Cushion Jesus slept we whispered to each other
This man is really something else I am glad he is our brother
No explanation needed
“What’s it like to be a Christian “I was asked the other day
Strange question to be asked, left wondering what to say
I was not born a Christian although it was the rule
That every Sunday all good children attended Sunday School
Did it make us different from the ones that didn’t go?
As children you just didn’t care there was no badge to show
Getting older perhaps I felt a need to find out more
Often questioning in my head have I been here before
I often got the feeling that’s a place I recognise
But I know I haven’t been here in my mind is it all lies?
Then slowly I began to see that the scenes inside my head
Was a voice just quietly saying why don’t you come to me instead
I answered back by praying even then not really sure
Perhaps I was delusional, and God would be my cure
It didn’t happen overnight like some bright and shining light
In fact, it slowly happened when my life was not so bright
I needed some stability to take away some of the storm
That has often racked my body from the day that I was born
And slowly it just came to me I could improve the lives of others
After all we are on earth to help our sisters and our brothers
I knew I never could stand up and say “Just look at me”
“I’m a Christian and if you try hard, you also could be free”
We all have goodness in us, but we also can have pain
But if I can make one gesture then surely, I will gain
Some happiness and gratitude from just one tiny deed
Reminds me of the parable of the yeast and mustard seed
However small a deed you do if given from the heart
Can grow to reach out far and wide we just need to make a start
So yes, I am a Christian but Not Holier than though
But when I look upon the Cross my head I need to bow
Bursting the bubbles
Do you ever wake and think sometimes I cannot face this day
Preferring perhaps to close your eyes and face the other way
The world the news and all we see can sometimes seem too much
To even raise a smile is hard, you need stillness, not this rush
But we are British, and so “just keep keep your stiff upper lip”
Never show just how you feel, your guard must never slip
So, you smile and say I’m fine and you how do you feel today
Invariably the answer is I’m great but thanks for asking anyway
So, anxious feelings fill your head they just won’t leave your mind
You question “why do I feel like this “maybe I have been unkind
Did I jump in without a thought and make someone feel sad
Perhaps that’s why when I wake up immediately, I feel bad
Maybe the fault is not with us, but we need to take the blame
And letting go sometimes can release some of the pain
Our bodies and our minds do occasionally need to rest
Breathing slowly letting go of tangled thoughts and stress
It takes a bit of practice not to take on the world and all its troubles
Close you mind and think of children with their bubbles
The laughter and the joy when one by one they POP
Imagine they are problems and one by one they stop
And then perhaps when you wake up to face another day
Clear headed no more burdens look forward to Today
Battered by the storms of life
Some days you wake and look so calm (this is your saving grace)
Not showing to the world your tired and forlorn face
Pain fills your body but why you ask yesterday I just felt fine
How can a wake this morning thinking is this body mine?
But in your mind, you know the truth and with every step you take
You wipe out the calming voice that says take it easy you might break
Why do we feel the need to prove “with time I can do this”
But suddenly the pressure on you know something is amiss
Slow down the voice keeps saying just give yourself some rest
This running round will weaken you so I have this one request
A quite few moments is all it takes breathe in then quietly out
A calming stillness fills your mind, you have no need or doubt
Quiet and still, it engulfs your mind arms around you feeling warm
Allow this time the healing calm, not getting battered by the storm
Oh, to have a perfect world is just a dream I know
But sometimes dark thoughts cloud your day and leave you feeling low
And likewise, sometimes when you wake and sunshine lights your day
You know inside that it’s all right as sunbeams pave your way
A friend rings up just out the blue and asks are you ok
Of course, you say I am feeling great but maybe you should say
Well actually I am not too good I need a friend to talk to
Just listen as I spill it out and not reply me to
So often do we all forget that we all do have one friend
Who listens as we talk to them right to the bitter end
No phone is needed just the time to sit and feel the peace
Surrounding you in your quiet place and all your pain release
Do not forget this one dear friend not just when you are feeling low
Thanking him is also good and he really likes to know
How your day is going and hear the good and bad
He really wants to know and hear the kind of day you have had
So, look upon this friend we have not just in the darkest hour
A quite few moments is all it takes to talk and feel the power
Of this friend who loves us all so much he gave his only Son
To walk with us and share our lives so we all could live as one
Do not forget it only takes a few minutes of our day
To sit quietly and hand to God, of all you need to pray
Living in harmony
Well, what a weekend we have just had a glorious Jubilee
Celebrating our Queens reign in perfect harmony
The thronging crowds were living proof that all of us can live
Alongside different faiths and creed we have such lot to give
So, let us forget the hatred that some tyrants show to others
Just give the hand of friendship to our sisters and our brothers
Let us stop the hidden envy that can sometimes eat away
And easily spoils a friendship and ruin a perfect day
To wake each morning is indeed the biggest thanks of all
To a wonderful creation such beauty to enthral
And even when we feel so low a small thing can make us smile
The Queen with lovely Paddington Bear she always goes the extra mile
And when the Buntings taken down and the party finally ends
Remember all the fun you have had with family and new friends
The hand of God is always there but sometimes we just forget
Our lives entwined with work and worry can seem a daily threat
But to unwind enjoy ourselves embrace such time of joy
Breath in the lovingness of God Man, Woman, Girl, and Boy
What the Eucharist means to me
Smell the dirt and feel the heat and then look down at the bare feet
Of Jesus has he breaks the bread just listen to the words he said
Take it this is my body” places in their hand the bread of life grown on their land
And then once more he takes the cup and hands it round for them to sup
“This is the blood of the covenant poured out for you” worrying now what should they do
Frightened scared, they cannot believe that this is the last time they will receive
This communion from this man their friend, they thought would stay right to the end
I see the pain of how they feel and that is why when I just kneel and take
These holy gifts divine I get this shiver down my spine
I am there with them amidst the gloom of the smell and dirt within that room
My child he says I am here with you standing close but out of view
The comfort of these words so real are there for me each time I kneel
Church walking group
All booted up we rare to go, rain and sunshine sleet and snow
So cold sometimes our face we cover shall we go it’s such a bother
But once we leave the Church behind wondering what today we’ll find
Which way to go there’s not much choice “right today” I hear a voice
We meet so many friendly folk a babe in arms a dog to stroke
We cross the road “Oh no not rain” we begin our stroll down Walnut Lane
The dampness as we walk along so still the air a bird in song
And finally, the sun comes out we walk some more and give a shout
To Doreen who we often see who sits in her chair beneath the tree
And over the gate we often talk, and Doreen says “enjoy your walk”
And now we face the harder bit we climb and climb and finally sit
Upon the broken piece of tree and look around such views we see
The Wasley Hills and Lickeys too the Abberley’s just out of view
Fully rested on we walk its good to hear the chat the talk
The canal in sight we’ve reached our goal OK its only a small stroll
Upon the bridge we look below and see the barges in a row
Not a care not a worry so many locks they cannot hurry
A gentler time and no road rage a product of a bygone age
No words are needed we understand the goodness of our precious land
And now we turn and walk along and hear the blackbird sing his song
Keep Hoping
While the world feels oh so grey, I take time out and softly pray
I need the hope that Jesus had that not all in this world is bad
Through chinks of darkness there can be light just peeping through just out of sight
The little flower that is trampled on begins to bloom beneath the sun
And more new life begins on earth as ewes in fields with lambs they birth
And as these little creatures jump and, in your throat, you feel that lump
OH, happiness in these bleak days that life goes on so offer praise
To God whose loving hands created such beauty makes me feel frustrated
To why we cannot leave alone this wonderous beauty and how its grown
But deep beneath the ruin grows” we won’t be bowed by human foes”
We will again rise up in Glory and tell the never-ending story
Lost for words
You watch the Tv read the news and hear the people cry
Running from their homes in fear as all around them lie
The bodies of the soldiers brave their fathers and their sons
Who willingly stay and fight a war and face whatever comes
The children cry as all around they see their homes reduced to rubble
How to explain to their small minds the cause of all this trouble
Run Just run grab what you can we have to get away
Maybe find a place to rest where we can safely stay
They live in fear they have no food not knowing what they’ve done
They need to defend their beloved towns the battle must be won
Bodies beneath the rubble lay all ages young and old
Left rotting in the earth below their stories never told
And all for what they have done no wrong, just lived a simple life
Why bomb our homes our schools our land do we deserve such strife
And as we sit and watch the horror from the comfort of our land
The need is now for all the world to rise as one and stand
And make our voices heard out loud a message we must send
Stop right now such evil deeds or else our world will end
Pray wherever you may be on your own or in a crowd
And one day as we all unite these tyrants will be cowed
We knew that it would happen the only doubt was when
The troops would cross our borders destruction death and then
We have no choice to leave our homes the country that is ours
Picking up our children, running from these mighty powers
Homes we loved are now just rubble everything destroyed
The future not a happy one with this war we can’t avoid
Where to go to start again will we ever find a place
To lay our shattered bodies down escape the human race
Of hatred greed and wanting more, but peace upon this Earth
A future for our children reborn a second birth
Where man can live alongside man and peace is the new word
War and hatred killing bombs such words are never heard
Pray if you can for help to aid all victims everywhere
Who only know a life of fear and hearts full of despair
Sound of guns, bombs raining down just ringing in our ears
We pray someday we will have peace not our never-ending tears
Storm clouds gathering overhead the air so still no sound
Waiting for the thunderclap and rain upon the ground
And suddenly the down pour starts, and you run to find a tree
To shelter under for a while not knowing how long you will be
It gives you time to just take stock as you shelter from the rain
Its almost like the cloud goes black after hiding so much pain
What do you hear just standing still is the cloud just crying out
You understand the pain they are in, like you they need to shout
Stop crazy world and look around at the wonders of Gods Earth
No more wars and fighting enjoy a newfound birth
In every blade of grass, you see and the birds that soar so high
The view they get of us on earth is enough to make clouds cry
So, step outside and just breath in the smell of rain on ground
And realize no need to fight just look what you have found
Then suddenly the Sun comes out and you know that all is well
But stop a while let it all sink in because fighting wars is hell
Let it stop we still have time to stop this mad destruction
Why are these people who are in charge embroiled in such corruption
The storm has passed you carry on the air still feeling cool
Praying” one day Lord God above please make the world less cruel”
A Cathedral Walk
Take a walk along the river to reach old Worcester City
The Cathedral is must to see, to miss it such a pity
The towering spire you see as you make your way along
If you quicken up your steps you might catch evensong
As you enter in, the magnitude just takes your breath away
Instantly upon your knees you feel the need to pray
The tales that could be told and the feet that have been trod
Inside these ancient walls in this sacred house of God
Step into the cloisters and you are back to days of old
Where the younger monks did study, bare feet and freezing cold
Touch the cold and Stoney walls and let your mind take in
Of how it felt to give your life to servitude not sin
And the Saints of Worcester long ago St Wulfstan and Saint Bede
Dedicated both their lives to others and there needs
And out into the College green walk back down back to the river
And see the water levels on the walls the flooding of the river
Carry on across a bridge to Diglis Basin and see amongst the boats
One is converted and you can buy a coffee and some toast
Feeling refreshed we take a turn to the museum of bone China
Royal Worcester once made in this town ,delicate and nothing finer
But stay a while and take it in reflect upon your day
The Cathedral draws you back once more and there you softly pray
Inspiration by Judith
Some days I wake and suddenly a” must do thing” occurs to me
It’s strange because while I am sleeping my mind must be forever leaping
Ideas and thought spring in my head which challenges for the day ahead
Poetry has become for me, my thoughts, and dreams of the world I see
Conversations in my head of where I have been and the things I’ve said
Are so much clearer in my sleep, unearthed from somewhere very deep
Perhaps your mind has more to say as daily routines can cloud your day
My mind can be so very taxing not giving time for calm relaxing
It jumps from one thought to another so many miles it has to cover
But when outdoors my minds less worried, I stand so still I can’t be hurried
I am at peace my heart is still the wonder of Creation will
Make me aware of God’s creation, all across our troubled nation
If we are calm and ease our mind, we cherish all of Humankind
Relax some more and listen to the birds that sing Joy of Joy in everything
And who to thank for all this, such sheer delight such calming bliss
Look above in heavens high and listen out to our God cry
“This is what I gave to you yes all the stars and planets too
I even sent my only Son to live and share what I had done
You know that it is not too late to turn around from all hate”
I’ll try to start my waking day with clearer thoughts to pave my way
Into a kinder way of living taking less with much more giving
Unto others who sit alone just waiting for a friend to phone
And concentrate on needs of others take care for all my sisters’ brothers
Forgot my worries clear my head and leave them there upon my bed
My Boots and I
I have always loved the great outdoors from when I was a child
I never was a stay at home just born for running wild
Even in my later years outside I find an inner peace
Away from all my cares and woes my problems I release
The struggle sometimes getting to the top of that great Hill
With thumping heart and painful back will I reach it yes, I will
And on the top the view you see goes on for miles and miles
The Church in the far distance and fields with many stiles
The smell of coffee as you pour your very needed drink
And sitting there just calm and still just gives you time to think
Of worries that you may have had and words that have been said
Can be cast away and quietly enjoy the beauty lay ahead
“Clear my head” you say to God” just put my mind at ease”
Some days I find try as I do not everyone I please
And then my head is oh so clear not filled with awful dread
And down that hillside I can walk and face what lies ahead
My heavy breathing now is calm my footsteps so much lighter
Above my head of blackened clouds my future looks much brighter
The sun may not be shining but through every cloud unfurled
I quietly hear” God in his Heaven all’s well with the world”
The aftermath
Well in a flash the day has gone, and all the money spent
On toys and food and clothes of course a bottle of nice scent
Did we really need to spend so much just for one good day of fun?
As you look into your bank account “where as the money gone”
We live in a divided world where wealth goes hand in hand
With others struggling each new day in some dark forgotten land
When life is huddled in a tent a daily task just living
Barefooted and with little clothes with very little giving
How can we moan that we are cold if we have a nice warm home?
And food inside our cupboards not for us a daily roam
Of searching for some sacks of grain and walking to fetch water
And illness, famine daily kills so not much time for laughter
Inside my head I must do more but how do I begin
To create a fairer way of living and make gluttony a sin
It is unlikely to get better as the world keeps wanting more
Do we need to visit outer space with such poverty at our door?
Are the rich so blinded with their wealth that poor people are unseen
Not thinking perhaps a few more times how lucky they have been
So, gaze upon the aftermath the discarded clothes and toys
The uneaten cake and chocolates that some other girls and boys
Would look upon with sunken eyes and their bellies so distended
To walk in their steps just for one day we would think our life had ended
Now is the time
Now is the time to stop and wait till Christmas Day that birth so great
Now is the time to remember where the baby lay in a manger full of hay
Now is the time to remember why we celebrate the baby boy
Now is the time to think of Mary very young and very weary
Now is the time say thank you to Joseph helping Mary through
Now is the time to feel their pain doors slammed on them yes once again
Now is the time to look around seeing many people on the ground
Now is the time in pockets deep give the money for them to sleep
Now is the time before we feed to give to others with greater need
Now is the time to pray that we can see beyond our Christmas Tree
Now is the time for “HOPE” this year for some who have no joy, or cheer
Now is the time to give some more remembering who the day is for
Now is the time to close your eyes and look into the starry skies
Now is the time to say “Well done” to God for giving us his Son
Now is the time to remember too that Jesus lived and died for you
Now is the time to say Thank you if you have more than others do
Now is the time of the shepherd’s joy when they heard about the baby boy
Now is the time to hear the story that one of never-ending glory
When everything is silent, and calmness fills the air
Just for those few minutes when you haven’t got a care
Your mind is calmly resting, and your brain just needs a break
Relaxing in the stillness a calming breath you take
If only we could do this more just leave our cares behind
Our bodies could regain some strength as well as just our mind
Why do we dash and rush around with little time to spare?
Why cannot we sit quite unperturbed and breath in Gods good air
So many people never get to sit and just be still
The daily toll of worry stresses no wonder we get ill
Dashing here and racing back with another place to go
Remind ourselves that sometimes we need to take it slow
The pressures on so many folks and more so with the curse
Covid cases going up just makes us feel much worse
Escape and Hide is what we want a time to call our own
No messages no phone calls just please leave me alone
The trouble is without this rush none of us would live
We do our best but even then, it’s not enough to give
We fail to meet the deadline our stress levels rising high
And all the time we are asking can I have more time to try
Exhausted worn out tired and not in a good place
Please just let me step outside and forget the human race
If your mind is full of worry and every day’s a chore
Do we really need reminding “You must give even more?
Stop Crazy World and listen we are running out of air
The more that we just rush around there will not be any spare
Just let me once forget it all and take some time to breath
Quietly sitting on my own reluctant “Must I leave”
So, stay a little longer feel the warmth of Gods kind arm
Enjoy these precious moments relax and just feel calm
Let your troubles pour out to him feel the beating of his heart
And listen while he tells you “From you I’ll never part.
Hand it over to God
Its cold outside
Have you seen those people in doorways late at night?
Do you ever stop or ask, “is everything all right”?
Or you are just too scared you may say something wrong
They may be drunk and shout out loud, so you carry on along
Perhaps when you get back inside and put the kettle on
Reflect on that poor stranger and what you could have done
I cannot believe in our rich country people still “Sleep rough”
Can’t the government see at all these folks have had enough
Let’s open empty building and fill with beds and blankets too
And let the homeless have a rest, and not forget what they go through
Let them have a cup of tea or maybe some warm soup
And ask these people young and old “ have you just slipped through the Loop”
No-one should spend their nights or days sleeping on the street
Or on a Park bench late at night just yearning for some heat
And in the morning as dawn breaks and commuters just walk by
Occasionally a stranger says here’s a coffee and a coat to keep you dry
So, as you sit inside your home snuggled up as warm as toast
Be that stranger passing by and say “please take my coat”
Deep and crisp and even
The snow has fallen overnight the air is still, such pure delight
Silence fills the dark cold morn, and we sit and wait the start of dawn
And then the children wake and see “we have some snow” they shout with glee
So wrapped up warm and wellies on open the door and then they’ve gone
“We want some spades” they should out loud to build a snowman and make you proud
Feverously they dig and build, its taking shape they are so thrilled
Now the face with carrots and coal, sticks for arms they’re on a roll
And finally, a scarf so bright around his neck Oh what a sight
Rosy cheeks and noses runny head back indoors for toast with honey
Outside the snow has finally stopped and snowman’s nose has slightly dropped
And through the night he melts away his arms of sticks on ice they lay
Children shout “where has he gone” why has he left what have we done”
They go outside to skies of blue and in the sky just out of view
A snowman smiles and just lets go his scarf so bright to earth below
The magical moment that brightly shone but just like Jesus never gone
We all need magic in our life to take away some of the strife
But as the sound of Church bells ring and Choirs in Churches start to sing
Ring out the joy of a new birth Jesus Christ is here on earth
Perhaps we all all can feel and know the children’s joy at seeing snow
Young at heart but very wise and look at life through children’s eyes
Something new in every day, and then to God we softly pray
Thank you for our saviour’s birth who lives amongst here on Earth
The ones left behind
In fields of blood a few remain injuries sustained and in much pain
Bodies lying on the ground lay wondering if they will be found
Overhead the gunshots carry on please stop it now I want it gone
What is the point of all this horror many knowing there is no tomorrow
Lives of young with much ahead, are gone with others shot down dead
What happens now do I go on with mud and blood and fading Sun
Bruised and battered my head is burning a hug of love is what I’m yearning
But no, we are here to fight this battle, piled on trucks like herded cattle
And then we hear the cry “Its over” no more hiding under cover
In filthy trenches squashed together we have soldered on through awful weather
Do I feel a hint of joy, I am now a man not that young boy
Who in those days so long ago signed on the line to “have a go”
Who never dreamt he would stand alone in a bloodied field away from home
No Joy at all as here I stand far away from my homeland
I know there are so many others who just like me have lost their brothers
Who will go home, not full of joy with memories of that young boy
Who off to war his head held high, not knowing then his friends would die
So, all of those who have died in War Rest in Peace in pain no more
As daylight slowly fades and the evening closes in
We sadly close our curtains no more sunlight can come in
The temperature is dropping, and your body feels much colder
You remind yourself again of course that you are getting older
It makes our days seem longer when its dark at half past four
Long evenings now we have to fill no more knocks upon your door
We make ourselves a cup of tea and sit alone with just our thoughts
Perhaps thinking of our families and the joy that they have brought
The happy smiling faces of your children memories of them so clear
No photograph can capture the love of those we all hold dear
As the clock is slowly ticking thoughts and memories flooding in
Of when we were only young, and how did this old age begin
In our minds we are that youth or the girl with long red hair
When life was just for living not a worry not a care
But in the twilight years of now and in the fading light
We know someone who sees us not hidden out of sight
Hands together we still pray for all of those now gone
But smiling faces still remain and the memories carry on
Church Life
What can we do to save our Church and its falling Congregation?
Not just for us but for all our Churches right across the nation
We try so hard, but nothing works to fill our empty pews
Where generation have sat before a memory we cannot lose
These glorious Churches built with love stand empty and forlorn
The walls that hold secrets from the past just face an empty dawn
We need to let the outside world know just what we have to give
Our friendship and our love outpoured and how we try to live
We fill our halls with many folks from keeping fit to Sing for pleasure
So many groups you can join to help enjoy your Leisure
And hired out too for parties, yet still we have to search
To get these same good people to visit us in Church
We have to change our image and convince the world outside
Its not just for old people come and take a look inside
And let us know what you would like to tempt you to come back
We need to learn and find out more to get us back on track
The local people would hate to see our Church is up for sale
So come on now and maybe find your very own holy grail
Let it go
Oh, to fly so far above soaring high to heaven above
Then looking down to earth below to fields of green and hills of snow
Rising, falling then rise again letting go of all that pain
All the anger hurt inside that churns you up so hard to hide
Smiling laughing looking fine but deep inside a black coalmine
Let it go the Dove cries out, no more carrying all this doubt
Those terrible things inside your head, quiet no longer, must be said
Otherwise, the pain goes on and those who haunt you carry on
They may have ended up in Hell does it matter who can tell
Just let it go through words or deeds, concentrate on other needs
Just looking at the human race the world can seem a lonely place
But searching more you can find hope, and others show you how they cope
Don’t let these black thoughts fill your mind stretch out and see what you can find
Gently down to earth below, arms around you “Let it go”
Happiness in a Church Hall
We are in the Harvest Season with Church Festivals in full flow
So armed with fruit and vegetables we put on quite a show
Once the Morning Worships over we proceed to our Church Hall
With our lovely fruit and veg displayed, on our auctioneer we call
Amongst the fruit and veg are cakes, which always go down well
Silence as the Auction starts, and the buyers start to yell
“That’s not enough for Percy’s veg he’s nurtured all the year
His caulis only get this big as he feeds them home brew beer
And look at that big Chocolate cake that must be worth a lot
Filled with cream and chocolate drops and made by Aunty Dot”
Finally, the hammer goes the last bid and final deal
We turn our chairs around to eat a lovely Harvest Meal
Seated round the tables with friends not seen for such a while
We are served our Harvest Luncheon set out in finest style
Chatting round the tables catching up on all the news
The Hall is filled with laughter and exchanging points of views
Oh, how we have missed the company of friends we need to hug
Months and months of staying in because of this Covid Bug
But maybe now us older folk can begin to start again
Our three jabs are now completed and were worth a bit of pain
So let our Church Halls open where hope and love abound
The continuing of Fellowship our Freedom has been found
Autumn Madness
It is that time of year again with 12 weeks left to go
Christmas madness has to start before we’re locked in by the snow
So just to get you going just read the headline news
Petrol is being rationed get behind those 2-mile queues
And has an extra bonus food is likely to run out
So, get your turkeys and mince pies, cos that is what Christmas is about
That Christmas actually means the birth of Jesus our dear Lord
But for so many people the true meaning is ignored
Its all about a spending spree and to hell with the expense
Grocery trolleys are not big enough, it just does not make much sense
We need to get a turkey and a boiling ham as well
And a Blackpool show of lighting and a reindeer with a bell
And that only just for starters what about a Christmas tree
They are in short supply as well, can we dig one up for free
The Holly and the Mistletoe we need some round the door
And then those Santa footsteps to go along the floor
We must geta bigger telly for us all to sit around
Just get the Credit card out this one’s just £2000 pound
Now what about the children, they all need a new iPad
And a laptop and new phone we do not want them feeling sad
New trainers also on the list ,wait a while but not to late
Because the time they get to put them on they will be out of date
Now back to grocery shopping, remember to get bread
As many types as you can get artisan, they call It that’s what my neighbour said
Cheese is also on my list ten varieties that should do
Granddad only eats the one that smells I think its blue
I know that Grandad won’t be here but get it you never know
Someone else might like it, put it on the table just for show
The shops will all be closed because its Christmas Day
We might run out of something and then what will we say
“For a change let us go to Church” and remember that this day
Is all about a little child who in a stable all forlorn
“Hark the Herald Angels Sing Jesus Christ is born.”
Autumn 2021
Autumn dampness fills the air, early dew, a spider’s lair
All these things we come to know between the summer and the snow
This year we have faced more fear than changing seasons throughout the year
Our vaccines done we now await another booster to save our fate
Of catching perhaps a different strain, as Covid rears its head again
How to handle all this stress can leave you in an awful mess
Try so hard to keep on going and all the while your body slowing
In your head thoughts weigh you down, smiling bright try not to frown
Think of good things you have seen on daily walks the grass so green
The sound of skylarks up above soaring heavenwards towards God’s love
But sometimes on your darker days, goodness hides inside a haze
Of worry stress and so much more, just go out, not sit behind a locked front door
Feel the breeze upon your face, stress less about the human race
We cannot solve or heal the pain you have to let it go again
Into Gods love his shoulder wide can take much more he is on your side
So go out and enjoy this season, feel refreshed you have a reason
To have some time without a care, not trapped inside that spider’s lair
Taking it slowly
Do you feel you are coming out from the dark into the light?
Sometimes you find you are blinking why is everything so bright
Like a hibernated tortoise we gradually find a pace
Look around and finally see a spot that gives us our own space
Can we continue as before I doubt if many will?
The looming threat of illness and the virus it can kill
We have all had double vaccines and may have another one
Then we have the flu jab by then we should be done
But still a lingering fear remains, and the path that lies ahead
Socialising ,mixing close is a thing so many dread
We don’t want to look stand offish, or say “don’t come to near
But how to overcome this thought, a calming voice we long to hear
So, we lay our fears before you Lord and wait the voice of calm
“Slowly gently now my child, hang on tightly to my arm”
Saving our planet
From Countryside to Cities us Humans leave a mark
And not one to be proud of, no this one’s very dark
A pile of empty wrappers and bottles thrown in to
Just left to form a pile and spoil a pretty view
But no, it doesn’t stop let’s find a lane and dump
The settee that we are tired of and also that foot pump
And also while we are at it, let’s dump that bag of soil
And those big cans we have, which once were filled with oil
Well, that’s enough for one night until we get some more
You never know if space runs out just check at your front door
One day when we have spoilt every bit of land and sea
The smell and stench around us and the rats will then run free
Just close your eyes and picture this up to your arms in waste
The smell sticks in our nostrils, and we have no sense of taste
So, stop right now and think ahead of the damage you are causing
Pick up your trash and take it home and listen to the warning
The future of out planet begins today with all of us en masse
Otherwise, it’s finished, demolished just dead with piles of trash
Troubled World
Dear God, above what must you think, our trouble world just on the brink
Of falling into seas of blood, where once our mighty cities stood
Of people fleeing a cruel regime, killing, torture much more unseen
Babies lifted over wire, away from rockets guns and fire
Into arms of soldier’s brave their comrades dead they couldn’t save
Old and young stand in a trench, of dead and injured lying in such a stench
Of death and sewerage for the poor the final look at this cruel war
Soldiers make a final stand to aid escape this troubled land
Airports’ full of desperate scenes to leave this land by any means
Hanging on to planes in flight desperate people no hope in sight
And then the ones who fail to make too old to weak they can’t escape
We pray that no more blood is shed, as we leave them mourning for the dead
And for those people who got away, please grant them peace a brighter day
We hope that they will find the best, time to recover and take some rest
Maybe soon a day will come when all our races can live as one
Where colour race and faith can be, for all creation harmony.
Keeping Calm
When the world around you seems so bad, the hate and violence make you sad
You cannot switch off because you care, not just yourself for all out there
Amidst the hatred war and sorrow, you pray for peace, a new tomorrow
We do not turn the other cheek, but listen concerned to hear them speak
When we enjoy a better life its hard to deal with so much strife
Utterly helpless is how we feel, there lives to ours are so unreal
The world our God so long created should turn into a world so hated
To have an aim destroy and kill to gain control against their will
Govern, force, new rules or face, prison, death Oh Human race
What went wrong along the way, is it too late to finally say
No Longer can we live this life, war and killing so much strife
Our planet needs a fresh new start, begin again with open heart
To cherish what we have today, and give out more and gratefully say
What’s mine is yours just show we care, our love our life we gladly share
So maybe it is not too late, to turn the clock a brand-new slate
For all the future generations a world of love across the Nations
Evening Time
And when the evening comes, and dampness fills the air.
Stay still for just a minute and capture what is there
Listen to some music or stay calm with just a thought.
Of something good that has happened and the gladness that its bought
The sound of children laughing, the chat you had today.
A moments pleasure in your mind can take a pain away.
So as the evening moves on towards the dark of night.
God is never far away so close but out of sight.
Why am I unsettled Lord, restless feeling low?
I’ve started taking baby steps but unsure just where to go.
Why do lots of people make me feel afraid?
Should I never venture out stay behind my barricade?
Why do I feel happy then feel so very sad?
Not looking at the good things just focus on the bad
Why do other people seem to cope much more than me?
Are they seeing something new I’m unable yet to see?
Why does lots of noise just make it even worse?
I want to go back how it was not lumbered with this curse.
Why am I more wary and wondering “is this a lie”
The news just changes every day and leaves me wondering why.
I need a little comfort and a word just in my ear.
Go gently in this coming day you have no need of fear.
Tea/Laughter and cakes
2021 begun not much laughter not much fun.
Because we knew that this new year
Would not be bringing too much cheer.
People sitting all alone,
waiting for a friend to phone
We needed lightness in our life.
Not doom and gloom or too much strife
We formed a group of friends on Zoom.
And soon we found we shared this room.
With others who were just like us
Bored and worried, mustn’t fuss.
We laughed and joked, and some told stories.
As it was in all their glories
We made friends with strangers too.
All on Zoom it was something new.
And has the weeks turned into months
This friendship saved us came up trumps.
And finally, a flickering light
Out of darkness into light
We could go out and meet and dine.
And some of us drank too much wine.
But we felt free we had our jabs.
Rushed out to us from high tech labs.
Sanity restored we could not wait.
To hug our family and fix a date.
For missed party’s wedding’s too
Still be careful don’t overdo.
We no longer need our Zoom.
We can now meet outside our room.
But I have loved the time together.
The memories will last forever.
If you could, would you go back and start your life again.
Would you choose a life of good and happiness no pain?
Or would you do it all again and learn the good from bad?
And maybe cope much better with some things that made you sad.
Do you think to live complete your life must have some sin
And that it makes you stronger and a better life begin
I expect it all depends on how well you yourself can cope.
If you are scared all the time seeing very little hope
You will continue all your life continually looking back.
Afraid to be happier, keeping on that sorrowful track.
It really isn’t easy to know which road to take,
But if you want to live a life the heartache you must break
In you heart and mind also you need to live a better way
And live a life of love and care and to your God can pray.
“Please lord today I have tried my best and kept you on my mind.
Nor all the time but when I’m sad I’ll know you are right behind.
It isn’t easy God I know because the World it isn’t good.
And Evil often sneaks right in right there where you are stood.
My life has had its ups and downs my early life so sad.
Afraid to say or speaking out of all the things so bad.
But I thank you Lord for all the strength that you have given me.
And kept me going through my life and my loved ones that they see.
Sometimes you can move on and bury a bad past.
A trigger sometimes sets you off but the pain it doesn’t last.
So, every morning when I wake, I say a silent prayer.
That when I needed you the most, I knew you would be there.”
Inside my head
Inside my head I face the world sometimes with troubled heart
My outer face conveys no pain, Happy Day let’s make a start.
But no, I really want to stay indoors not face the big outdoors.
It has been so long, it is just too soon, unsafe is that the cause.?
I know that this irrational fear I have to overcome.
Pick myself up and take a breath I know this must be done.
The world has been so very black not filled with too much light.
And yet the colours are around one step outside so bright.
So slowly as the fear unwinds, I reach an inner peace.
Inside my head I hear the voice” this fear you must release”
And yes, it is you God all along has got me through so far.
So, step by step I’ll make that move outside and there you are.
Just waiting while I get my breath your arms are open wide.
Thank you, God, for getting me and guiding me outside.
A Prayer
I pray for the World with its trouble and strife.
I pray for an end to killing and taking of life.
I pray for a World when “To Love “means we do.
I pray for a world where kindness breaks through.
I pray for a world where the hungry are fed.
I pray for a world when cold stone’s not a bed.
I pray for a world where we greet with a smile.
I pray for a world where we can reconcile.
I pray for a world where money is equal.
I pray for a world that is the same for all people.
I pray for a world God created with Love.
I pray for a world where we live the above
St Georges Day
Today we celebrate St George the man the myth the legend.
And did he really slay a dragon on what you believe depends?
The legend says the dragon made a nest beside a spring.
But more importantly for us is what the brave young George did bring
Tall and handsome brave young man at 17 joined the Roman Army.
Perhaps you might just think, so young perhaps a little barmy?
But no young George so proved himself his behaviour was so virtuous.
Not only just his strength and valour but to the ladies oh so courteous
He set about to stop the rise of paganism right through Rome.
(Was up against Diocletian The Emperor) and bring Christianity home.
The rumours that all Christian Churches and scriptures would be burnt.
St George into Nicomedia rode knowing a lesson needed to be learnt.
He freed the Christians of the town by tearing down the Emperors edict.
But realizing doing it his own death he could predict
St George arrested, tortured until ,his faith he would deny.
But brave young George defended Christ and knowing he would die.
He was indeed beheaded, but his life was not in vain.
The George Cross medal awarded out to valour and often pain.
So today we should salute you and remember with great pride.
The Patron Saint of England who for Christians bravely died.
A lonely lady dressed in black, halts at the steps and just looks back.
Then bravely turns and walks ahead what thoughts are going through her head.
In front she sees the coffin where, her husband’s lies no longer there.
Beside her where he has always been throughout her life his love our Queen
Tiny she sits alone bereft, head bowed down silent tears are wept.
The marriage of the Duke and Queen the highs and tragedies’ they have seen.
But never once throughout her reign as she exposed a hint of pain.
Her thoughts and duties and vows she made, never faltered never waived.
From that young girl who was crowned Queen, left behind what could have been.
And right beside her from that day, her rock the Duke her own mainstay
He Left a job his own career, to be her consort to stay near
And now he has gone a light gone out, a massive void he’s left no doubt.
So, all alone and dressed in black, her darling Philip will not be back
Feeling uplifted
Just listened to that favourite Hymn “My God how great thou art”
And realized those words are mine echoed straight from my heart.
My God you are so great and indeed in awesome wonder.
I hear your voice shout out to me, just like a clap of thunder.
It steers me back upon a path I do so often stray.
Forgetting you and Jesus Christ I should more often pray.
Its easy in this busy world to overlook the world.
And take for granted all we have not seeing it unfurled.
But sometimes just a word or even a great hymn
Brings back to me the need to say” it’s open please enter in”.
Just calm my soul and ease my troubled mind.
And count the good of all the things created for mankind.
Because it’s here for me to see, I very rarely pause.
And take it in what you have made and look beyond closed doors.
So, thank you Lord for nudging me and giving me that call.
That you are there just listening arms open when I fall
God yes, those words indeed are etched upon my heart.
Indeed, my maker I can truly say “My God how great thou art”
A Long Road
Sometimes you walk along a road.
Upon your back a heavy load
The future sometimes looking grey.
One more step I will take today.
Your body heavy weighs you down
It is hard to smile and not to frown.
The blackness sometimes hard to bear.
And often thinking does anyone care.
You have to try, and it can take time.
To leave this feeling right behind
And then a phone call just for you
A friend who knew that you were blue.
And in a second the weight has gone
You share a joke and reflect upon
The times you both had so much fun
And you know once more it can be done.
And then you chat and talk about
What you will do when you can go out
And your spirits soar you look ahead.
And think of all what’s good instead.
Captain Tom what did he say
Tomorrow will be a better day.
Blank Document
I start to write a poem and suddenly hit a blank
Its like my mind as left my head and slipped in some black tank.
My fingers chafing at the bit, but I cannot write a word.
I usually can start straight away this really is absurd.
My mind is working overtime I think I must be mad.
I really need to write this down but Blank again so sad.
Perhaps I need a coffee or maybe I should pause.
Stop thinking of the unknowns words and find out what’s the cause.
My head is usually brimming of all sorts of things to write.
But today no words are coming and its giving me a fright.
I have run out of talking COVID and I need another theme.
We have the COVID vaccine, but the rest is still a dream.
I long for really sunny days where flowers grow galore.
And sat out with my lunch time snack good memories I can store.
But at this very moment although I’m feeling fine
This stubborn brain of mine just cannot make words rhyme.
So, for today I will leave it as my brain needs to unwind.
And in the morning hopefully fresh words will spring to mind
Changes in our Daily Lives
What do you think on waking, for me its “what’s the day?
Is it Monday Tuesday Wednesday I really couldn’t say
As slowly I come round a bit and have my cup of tea.
My mind starts to unravel and hopefully I see
A date upon the calendar or yesterday’s daily news
Of course, today is Monday but it is so easy to confuse
I try to have a sort of plan of what I need to do.
A walk for me is number one to stop me feeling blue.
For Christmas all I wanted was a pair of sturdy boots
An lo and behold on Christmas Morn they stood just taken root.
So, every day come wind rain snow I don my boots and off I go
I need this time to stop and think clear my mind of grief and woe.
It doesn’t get much easier some days are worse than others.
A smile upon your face is hard when you think of Fathers Mothers.
All struggling to keep afloat most time with money rationed.
And thinking to themselves no doubt I wonder how this happened.
But mostly we all do brace ourselves as I do on my hike.
I think of our Lord Jesus who mixed with rich and poor alike.
So today might seem like yesterday or even days before.
But perhaps I had better focus on trying to do more.
I am lucky that I can give food or clothes or even money.
But if you can’t maybe you can give time to make a life more sunny
Perhaps a card slipped through the door with “How are You today.
Could perhaps lift some one’s spirits sat thinking what’s today?
Changes in our Daily Lives
What do you think on waking, for me its “what’s the day?
Is it Monday Tuesday Wednesday I really couldn’t say
As slowly I come round a bit and have my cup of tea.
My mind starts to unravel and hopefully I see
A date upon the calendar or yesterday’s daily news
Of course, today is Monday but it is so easy to confuse
I try to have a sort of plan of what I need to do.
A walk for me is number one to stop me feeling blue.
For Christmas all I wanted was a pair of sturdy boots
An lo and behold on Christmas Morn they stood just taken root.
So, every day come wind rain snow I don my boots and off I go
I need this time to stop and think clear my mind of grief and woe.
It doesn’t get much easier some days are worse than others.
A smile upon your face is hard when you think of Fathers Mothers.
All struggling to keep afloat most time with money rationed.
And thinking to themselves no doubt I wonder how this happened.
But mostly we all do brace ourselves as I do on my hike.
I think of our Lord Jesus who mixed with rich and poor alike.
So today might seem like yesterday or even days before.
But perhaps I had better focus on trying to do more.
I am lucky that I can give food or clothes or even money.
But if you can’t maybe you can give time to make a life more sunny
Perhaps a card slipped through the door with “How are You today.
Could perhaps lift some one’s spirits sat thinking what’s today?
The Delicate little flower that each year pops up to say.
I know we are still in Winter, but there soon will come a day.
When the darkness and the coldness that we have been going through
Will soon make way for better days, and the Sun will shine through too.
I lie dormant in the ground throughout most of the year.
Then just as January is almost through, I know you need some cheer.
And gradually I pop my head in all funny sorts of places.
On rocky ground and verges too and I have many different faces
I know we all look so alike but there are loads of us.
Some people list down all our names and really make a fuss.
Bu I just want to stay just me as you spot me in some place.
I hear you say, “A snowdrop wow” and a smile comes on your face.
We need a lot of smiles right now as we have suffered far too long.
No-one is very happy, and we know there is something wrong.
We do have some small glimmer a little ray of light.
That with the vaccination this virus we can fight.
So, don’t despair and hang on tight sometimes it does seem black.
But like us little Snowdrops you will soon be fighting back
The sun is shining.
Doesn’t it make a difference when the sun decides to shine
It may be bitterly cold outside but when its sunny you feel fine.
You want to grab your hat and coat and head straight out the door.
Although the weather forecaster says more snow to come for sure
But whilst the sun is shining if you can go for a walk
You will spot so many little things of which you can then talk.
You could maybe just phone a friend and say I have been a walk today.
And you will never guess what I have seen, and then go on to say.
“The snowdrops by the Church are out,” they don’t know about the virus.
That popped their head above the ground, and they know this will surprise us.
And I am sure the daffodils look like they are about to bloom.
Another week I will pick a bunch and place them in a room.
We all need something just to cheer the days that lie ahead.
Nowadays many folks just hate the news it fills them with such dread.
We have to keep our spirits up and it can be very hard.
When doom and gloom surround you and your nerves are easily jarred
If you can go out just try to take a walk along the road
Look and listen in that short time and try a little to unload.
All the worries of the world release them from you mind.
Just look around and take it in the wonder of Mankind.
Down in the dumps
The winter months are dragging on.
And still much more to come.
The rainy days so cold and wet
Not my idea of fun
And so, the days they trundle on
One just like the other.
Without a structure to the day
You sometimes think why bother.
Deep down you know it will soon pass.
And warmer days appear.
But being stuck indoors so much
Doesn’t fill you with much cheer.
I think when COVID first appeared.
We thought it is just a virus.
And so, we tackled all things new.
If only to inspire us
But sadly, inspiration gone.
And we are left with fear.
A dread inside us cries within
Will this last another year?
No friends to meet or hols to plan.
What will become of us?
Will we soon be too afraid?
To board the local Bus
Now we wait with baited breath.
For us to take our turn
The much-awaited vaccine
For which we all do yearn
But then you hear some folks have had
The vaccine just today
They are nowhere near as old as me.
And indignantly you say.
This really is not very fair.
Why do I have to wait?
Forgetting sometimes others who
The vaccine is too late.
So yes, another day begins.
And you sit await your letter.
Perhaps today maybe next week
But the news will make you better.
Can it be fixed
Can you fix a thing that’s broken, depends on what you mean?
Is it something that’s on view or something that’s unseen
A broken vase a treasured gift sometimes can be repaired
But is the brokenness inside, dished out by one who never cared
If you are broken as a child, you have 2 paths to choose
You decide quite early on in life its either win or lose
And depending on the path you take can turn out good or bad
You need to leave the hurt behind or inflict the hurt you had
A child is born so innocent not knowing what’s in store
And usually from that first breath you are loved for ever more
If you have the other life well, you face it with no choice
But on reaching your adulthood well then you use your voice
You vow to make things better for your family and for others
All in this together now for all sisters and all brothers
Some days you have a haunting day and feel yourself receding
The pain inside you sometimes feels just like your hear is bleeding
But if you are lucky and someone sees the pain you are going through
You will be picked back up again, and they know your pain is true
I had a dream last night that took me on that track
I was on that never ending road afraid of looking back
But I awoke and looked around sun shining through a chink
In Loving arms, I felt secure pulled back from off the brink
Let there be light
So many months of darkness, since lockdown first begun
Many days of feeling low, and not a lot of fun
The loneliness has been the worse, for many on their own
But even folk with family have sometimes felt alone
The news has been depressing, and adds to people gloom
Maybe once just in a while we could have cheer, not Doom
Maybe the cloud is lifting as the vaccine is rolled out
But then you hear the Anti Vacs are having one last shout
You must make up your own mind what you decide to do
But looking at the crowded wards and think that could be you
So, I will wait until I get a phone call or a letter
And then in a line will wait my turn it doesn’t get much better
Once you have had your second dose perhaps you will feel free
And maybe book a holiday or invite someone to tea
We could be waiting a long time till all the vacs are done
But once this massive task is done perhaps, we can have fun
As people we are tactile, and a hug means so much more
Than peeping at a loved one stood yards from your front door
Maybe I’m an optimist but I really see some light
Just shining through the darkest days and I am hoping I am right
Don’t forget we all have one good friend who will never turn away
When we are feeling down just close your eyes and pray
Try thinking of the better times that surely lie ahead
Hand over all the bad thoughts and leave with God instead
How do I feel today
Every day on waking as I scratch my sleepy head
And I gradually awaken, and I think of what lies ahead
Wil today bring peace and happiness or just some more bad news
Do I really want to face this day the fills me with such blues
But yes, I must awaken and face what the day might bring
It might just be the sunshine or to hear the robin sing
The news might be more heartening and not just gloom and doom
And help me in these lonely days sat in my living room
The lockdown has been awfully hard, and sometimes we do see light
But then the virus gains more speed and makes us cringe with fright
So maybe just for one whole day, I won’t listen to the news
I will have a peaceful quite time with music, and books I could peruse
Or maybe sort out all those pics that are in the bottom drawer
And think of all the memories as they are spread across the floor
Then look and think “is that the time I haven’t even eaten”
Then realize you have missed the news and maybe the bugs not beaten
But looking back on memories I have spent a better way
Than fretting over something which one day will go away
So maybe now I have cleared the drawer I book I’ll find to read
And play some calming music, Lord you have listened to my need
Welcome to 2021
When you are asked “How are you feeling today”
I expect like most people you will turn round and say
“I am fine thank you I am feeling real good
But deep down inside you know that you should
Say “Hey you know what I’m not feeling so great”
And inside my heart there is a great weight
I wake up each day and switch on the News
And all of this adds to my terrible blues
There must be so many more people like me
Who have stayed indoors no visitors to see
And have followed the rules and covered their face
And kept at a distance with a 3metre space
But sadly, not everyone has followed the rules
And spread this Corona and they are such fools
Because all of us know it will not go away
And many will die in each oncoming day
So, think loud and clear before you disobey
And then perhaps finally it will go away. “
So, if just like me you are angry and sad
And occasionally get a little more mad
Don’t keep this anger inside just be calm
Be quite for a moment and pray that no harm
Will come to yourself and to those who you love
Pray to our Saviour in Heaven above
Now more than ever we need some time out
And if you are angry than to God you can shout
I find when I am angry that God does not care
He knows what is happening and your thoughts he does share
And unlike some others he is going nowhere
The anger and upset that I feel inside
Sometimes is too difficult for me to just hide
We have all gone through a terrible year
And more still to come is what we all fear
But if we can all just hold on in there
And maybe with God all this we can share
What a year that was
Goodbye at last 2020 has gone
And we were all hoping a New Year had begun
But before we can settle and start a New Year
Some resolutions to be made to keep us all clear
The Virus is spreading it will not go away
So, the rules to stay in we all must obey
It is really hard, and it does make us sad
When we think of our friends and the good times, we have had
But until we have stopped the terrible spread
Sadly, more people I am afraid will be dead
The Doctors and Nurses are working flat out
The NHS is stretched and of that there no doubt
So, Let us all start off this dismal New Year
And look for a future which has some more cheer
The day when we can all go out for a walk,
And meet with a friend and have a good old talk
Where Grannies and Grandads can again get the chance
With their loving Grand Children to Sing and to Dance
For People in retail to once more relax
And not stare at customers who are wearing a mask
Where we can look forward to beaches and sand
And where all young people can walk hand in hand
And once more our Churches will open again
No more zooming services which have been a pain
And all of the people can sit kneel and sing
Just think of the joy that all this will bring
So maybe it will take many more weeks
Until this Virus finally peaks
And when at long last it will run out of steam
And most of the folk will have had the vaccine
So yes, it is hard, and it has been a trouble
So, pray for the day you’ll step out of you bubble
The Art of Zooming
This year with Covid spreading, it hasn’t left much room
For family and friends to meet but of course we now have Zoom
Now before this lockdown started most older folk ignored
The 21st Century gadgets, “I don’t know what they’re for”.
But very soon we all found out that Zoom was here to stay
And if you want to stay in touch there is no other way
Grandchildren over all the world cheered, at last they would be heard
And off to show their Grannies who would not Have the last word!
Now Granny you must sit up straight while I get the camera fixed
And don’t touch any wires or get the cables mixed
I’m fixing you up a password so the Vicar you will see
Who will conduct his service (and would love a cup of Tea)
Now there he is and many more are also on the screen
I know Mrs B looks very tanned I don’t know where she’s been
But Granny just stay where you are its essential you stay still
I know there’s Barbara your best friend and no she isn’t ill
Its just her camera isn’t straight its focused on her chest
And now she’s gone completely perhaps she needs a little rest
Now all the buttons Granny that you see on your screen
Only touch the red ones and not the one that’s green
I think the Vicars starting he wants you all to settle
I know you can see Doris who is filling up her kettle
And no the Vicars not in Church he is in his own from Room
He has to do the service now and connect us all to Zoom
I know he has a Cross in place and it does look like an altar
But the Vicars wife is very clever in fact you cannot fault her
So, to begin you must press mute, and do not make a sound
I know you can’t hear anything your speakers on the ground
Remember keep your speaker and your mic just close to hand
And listen to the Vicars words leading to the promised land
And no, you cannot wave at him and shout to him well done
To be a Vicar just right now are his nightmares all in one
Please do not sing along to hymns just read them off the screen
I know its very tempting and you are always very keen
But this is different Granny, and the Vicar does need calm
And no, it isn’t Norman who is reading us a Psalm
The service is almost over the vicar looks less flustered
Suddenly a voice shouts out “David did you say you wanted Mustard”
Advent Time
Now we are in Advent this special time of year
We look towards the future especially those held dear
Remembering the time on Earth when Jesus Christ was born
Whose life on earth began in a stable so forlorn
His own humble beginnings should make us stop and think
Many at this Advent time are almost on the brink
We often think to close to home and not those far away
The people who in war torn towns, can’t face another day
Jesus wanted all on earth to live a simple life
Not one of hunger, war and pain and dealing with such strife
We try to help in our own way to ease some of their pain
Time and money sometimes help but others often gain
They take away all the good and carry on with War
And harm and kill such innocents to settle an old score
I worry that I can’t do more but maybe in my own way
By praying to Our Heavenly Lord Please take their pain away
We have coped with so much heartache, this year right here on Earth
So, at this Advent time as one rejoice our saviours’ birth
Reduced to tiers
Well the long-awaited Tier system has finally been broad cast
I know I am none the wiser however long it lasts
I know I can meet up with 6 besides those in my bubble
But not inside where it is warm then I would be in some trouble
I can go out to meet some friends we can meet in the park
But only during day light hours as we all hate the dark
I think we can sit on a bench bit but only side by side
And then its only 2 of us one more and woe betide
I can meet up with family but not one more than 6
So even in our family that puts me in a fix
Now in my family group of 6 who do I choose Oh dear
We cannot mix and match I hear so trouble soon I fear
WE can meet up with friends and have a meal OUTDOORS
So, get the campfire going and we only have one course
You will need to wrap up rally well and top up nanas wine
The last thing we want to see is Nana in decline
At least we can sing carols outdoors our backs against the wall
Hang on tight to Gladys she looks like she might fall
And as for our poor vicar with his visor misted over
No Norman “Silent Night, not the White cliffs of Dover”
So please remember tiers, and learn them off by heart
And perhaps in 2021 we will have a brand-new start.
The latest News
There’s Boris with his unkempt hair,
And Hancock with his wild-eyed stare,
Michael Gove flexes his muscles,
To board a plane and fly to Brussels.
Dominic Raab with Sombre face,
Prepares to face the human race.
And Rishi Sunak hands out the deals,
We yearn again for half price meals.
As Scientist flank our scared prime minister,
They gravely talk of all things sinister,
So once again we are locked indoors,
And only for the HOUSEHOLD CHORES!
So where to go to have break.
Not to Scotland a big mistake,
Our hearts go bump our spirit wilts,
As Marauding highlanders with swirling kilts,
Charge towards with nostrils flaring.
There hardened faces and eyes just staring,
Get back you, to England you Sassenach,
Leave right now and don’t come back
We head back south, but not to Wales,
As finally common sense prevails,
The lakes again we must rule out,
As Yorkshire folk won’t take no clout.
So hastily it’s back to Brum,
To where our journey first begun,
We rush back home and slam the doors,
to once again those HOUSEHOLD CHORES.
One thing that will stay right with me, when this year finally ends
Is all the love and Support you find when you have got good friends
This year has shown us what is good within this world of ours
It is not about “What you have got” its “you can borrow ours”
Or even better some folk have gone beyond their Duty Calls
They have worked and shopped for many more while jugging several balls
We only hear about the ones who somehow make the news
But every street in every town there are several more to choose
Everyday they quietly go about their daily lives of giving
And someone somewhere benefits from what these folks are giving
A kind word on the telephone, a knock upon the door
A bunch of flowers a magazine are what good friends are for
As Christmas now approaches not everyone will see
These quiet band of angels (not on your Christmas Tree)
So, I will try my best to do for the remainder of this year
Remember someone on their own and take them some good cheer
Crunchy noises
I kick threw the leaves as they lie on ground
Apart from the crunching there is no other sound
Alone in the woodland I feel most at ease
Surrounded by bushes and gigantic trees
I think of you often in your heaven above
I thank you for good and unconditional love
Sometimes I focus on all that is bad
Too many bad thoughts can make me so sad
So, I think of my family and grandchildren small
And even great grandsons who have given us all
So much pleasure and happiness in such a small time
And though we have Corvid it is only Face Time
We have watched you develop through each passing week
And heard you on Video as you both learn to speak
But when this is over, we will see family once more
“Welcome come in “as we close our front door
But till then I will thank you my ever-true god
As I scrunch through the leaves in my favourite wood
Count your blessings
As we face the second wave of covid, let us stop just for a while
And reflect on what has happened in what has been a trial
Some of watched their loved ones dying and not been at their side
Others missing Grandchildren, stood with arms just open wide
We have gone through two whole seasons and now are on our third
We would love to have some good news, but we haven’t heard a word
And now with Christmas coming and restrictions still in place
Perhaps it is the time to look what we have got, accepting it with grace
Remember how those years ago Mary on that donkey rode
Her pains of labour getting worse as they walked the winding road
Joseph with his head held high on that dark and starlit night
In the distance far ahead saw Bethlehem in sight
A tired and weary Mary needed somewhere just to stay
A place she found to have her child amongst those bales of hay
We celebrate our saviours’ birth with presents food galore
We must remember especially now what all this fun is for
If anything has changed us all separated from those, we love
Is realizing what we need really does come from above
Most of us have learned to live a simpler way of life
The money, gifts and too much food can sometimes lead to strife
So, lets take stock and hold on tight to what we have instead
And remember baby Jesus in a manger for his bed
And all around the world today some people still exist
On little more than Jesus had so we are truly blessed
Just this year forget the hype and surround ourselves with love
Look up to heaven on Christmas Eve to that shining star above.
A Lovely Walk
I had a lovely walk today, I also did one yesterday
During Autumn colours change, oranges, red oh what a range
And yellow too and brown and green, hard to believe the wonder seen
The crunch of leaves beneath your feet, and rosy faces of all you meet
On the ground horse chestnuts lie, remember conkers years gone by
The air is chilled but still not cold, and onto Autumn you want to hold
Because when Winter does appear, trees are barren sunny days just disappear
But even Bitter winter days, we can go out and give God praise
Remember days not long ago, when every winter we had snow
The fun of getting out your sledge, “just watch out you’ll hit the hedge”
Then back up the hill hands freezing cold, you went again feeling bold
Sometimes you hit the tree and wham, off your sledge (don’t tell your mam)
Such memories are precious now, as once again we must now vow
To follow all the Covid rules, and try not to act like silly fools
We pray one day we will turn the sheet and once again our families meet
Meet up and hug our loved ones dear and maybe that will be next year
So, if you can just take a walk, and then on Gods wonders you can talk
The joy of having a new hip
Who would have thought an operation carried out with dedication
Would open a whole new world no pain when walking joy unfurled
At first, I felt a little sceptic an operation and no anaesthetic
We’ll numb your legs you will feel no pain in goes the hip you’ll walk again
And so, it happened in I went, op was done it was heaven sent
I hobbled round a day or two, plus pain relief to pull you through
And gradually with sutures out, you gradually learn to get about
The crutches are the first to go, one walking stick I rare to go
And once more into Gods good air, I walk along without a care
You miss so much when stuck indoors to walk along forget the chores
One step slowly at a time no need to rush just take your time
And finally, you can go further, a field to cross that once was murder
To put your feet upon the ground and walk along without that sound
Of walking sticks your weight you put. to not put pressure on your foot
The joy oh Lord that this as meant this op is truly heaven sent
Now I can walk along the coast, look out to sea, and just make the most
Of all the loveliness around on pain free hips I get around
With Thanks to Mr Pearson and the Royal Orthopaedic Team
Autumn Happiness
The colours of trees are gradually changing
Oranges, reds are so overpowering
We walk in the chill air then out in the sun
God it is wonderful the work you have done
The nature surrounds us crisp leaves on the ground
And sometimes we listen, but there is no sound
You are with us as we walk on our way
And in this quite moment to you we can pray
We tell you our worries, pray what can we do
Our world with Corona is still something new
This year has been testing some folk are alone
Parents in care homes all on their own
What can we do Lord to get through this pain
Have faith that this virus will not come again
So, on our walks in the Autumn with you by our side
We will make sure by the laws we abide
We will accept that this Virus is testing
And remember our Saviour whilst we are resting
He gave up so much, so we could be free
But there will be suffering he knew there would be
So, during this Lockdown lets look at the best
Our families our loved ones hold close to our breast
And when this is over as it truly will be
Rejoice and be thankful Thank God we are free
I had a row with Mum last night, in fact we actually had a fight
She said just go and pack you bags, and mix with all those other slags
You see I had told her my good news as I was trembling in my shoes
I thought perhaps it might occur that being pregnant I needed her
But no, it went the other way she swore then pushed me out the way
And so, I packed my case and went just wandered round and found a bench
I pulled my coat up to keep warm, and closed my eyes till it was dawn
People walk past and see you there, but lives are busy why should they care
I had some money and so could eat, but in my tummy a small heartbeat
I wanted this child to have the best, not on the streets with all the rest
I wandered round and found some others alone afraid without their mothers
Someone gave me an address where kindly people could sort out this mess
I went along was treated kindly followed along completely blindly
I found myself in some small room, with music plying BOOM BOOM BOOM
I was told now if you want to eat you will earn your keep upon the street
I thought no way will I do that grabbed my case and left that flat
I raced away just ran and ran before another night began
How long I lived this awful way but my babies telling me “I’m on my way”
As in the hospital pains began, I tell my story and why I ran
My baby is born I pack my case and then I’m told “you have got a place
A hostel will gladly put you right and sort you out not for one night
Someone will care no need to walk until you feel the need to talk”
I find out that not all of life’s unfair as I mix with all the others there
St Basils is the Hostels name and being there is no big shame
Without the love and support you meet so many more would walk the street
As churches gradually open and encourage people back
It will be really difficult because the confidence they lack
A church is where everyone should feel safe and find some peace
But if the fear of Covid lurks this will be difficult to reach
Because this 6-month lockdown has left many people sad and lonely too
A place of worship calls to many who want to be with you
Peace and silence quiet prayer is a a very special essence
Your loving arms around us as we feel your loving presence
Will we ever get that back? And freely wonder in
To any Church just take a seat leave behind the awful din
Of bad news pounding at our brains from papers media too
We need the comfort of the Church to stop us feeling blue
To lift our spirits, lift our hearts and hand it all to you
Guide me Lord in this sad time and help me just get through
Finishing touches
AS lots of restrictions are finally lifted,
12 weeks of lock down have finally shifted
We will now be able to go out and meet
A friend for a coffee in a park on a seat
Or maybe even a trip to the zoo
Or walk round a garden whatever suits you
But a feeling of tension is still all around
We do not feel safe until a vaccine is found
But yes, we must go out or suffer some more
As our mental well being will just hit the floor
At the beginning of this year we sang, and we cheered
And let in the New Year, no virus we feared
But then when it hit, and people were dying
We woke up and found that science wasn’t lying
I have seen in the 12 weeks my own life unfold
My hip operation was then put on hold
So I struggle daily to adapt a new way
To still enjoy my life in an unusual way
Just a short trip out daily a quiet gentle walk
And social distance with others if we stop for a talk
Our latest great grandson was born in lock down
We so want to meet him and see how he’s grown
Our elderly dog was taken quet ill
At 16 his life went slowly down hill
So, he now has gone to a far better place
And we now adjust to an empty sad space
But along with the sadness the lockdown as shown
How we can cope with more time spent alone
Perhaps we had all led a far faster life
And now can feel free from that way of life
As for myself my poems will now end
But I will collate them and give to a friend
Who as agreed that she will then look
And maybe my poetry will be in a book
The end
Slowly coming out of Lockdown
12 weeks of Lock Down as sure got us down
No more having coffee or a trip into town
We have painted our house our talents unfurled
Gardens to show off to our own Gardeners world
We have looked out old recipes and found things to cook
Which up until now stayed in Delia’s book
But now we have freedom and we venture out more
But all our old places attract so many more
We walk the canals with our small haversack
And jump out the way beware joggers” OnTrack”
We look out and try to find our favourite spot
And nibble our biscuit because that’s all we have got
But laid out before us are picnics galore
And people out partying like never before
Our favourite old beauty spots have been overtaken
By intruders who are not even our generation
We tiptoe through crowds who are enjoying the sun
Who think they are in Benidorm and not good old Brum?
If they are all one family, they are terribly large
As they frolic about and no-ones in charge
So, us two old grumpies at last find a spot
And stick out like sore thumbs what a nerve we have got
Should not we be at home that is where we belong
This mixing with others we have got it so wrong
So back home we go and ring our friend Doris
And tell her to stay in until thumbs up from Boris
Nearing the end of Lockdown
As the Lock Down starts to ease, and many shops start opening
Let’s reflect on what has happened and how we have been coping
For me, my life has changed a lot as I have discovered who I am
I feel that in the past my life has been a sham
But the good thing is I aim to try and make a better start
By hanging on to what is good and letting God into my heart
I love the Lord and always have and tried to do the best
But these past few weeks put my faith quite strongly to the test
I have lost sight of other folk who are worse off than me
And centred solely on those close and not see what others see
I have adhered to all the rules of going out each day
The daily walk which is allowed has let me quietly pray
The quietness has also taught me to look at others strife
And what I can do when lockdown ends to give them a better life
Jesus taught us how to live and treat everyone the same
Not thinking if your life’s not right someone else must take the blame
So, help me through this lock down to concentrate on giving
And hope some tiny steps will make another life worth living.
Hang on a minute
As some of the lockdown measures are eased
Most of the public are really quite pleased
But hang on a minute does this really mean
We pack out our beaches then leave them unclean
We up sticks and go when we have all had enough
And then leave the locals to clean up our stuff
Or perhaps we will go to the hills when its drier
And then have a barbeque which creates a hill fire
Just let us stop and think of the frustration
Felt by the people in total isolation
No great outdoors or maybe meet up with a friend
To some of these people the sadness won’t end
So, come on and let all of us take one step a time
And wait till this virus has run out of time
And then all the country can finally get out
And feel safe to mix with the people about
We all must be wise and be kind to others
And not be too selfish to our sisters and brothers
This virus will be in our lives evermore
So, it is down to all of us to be really sure
That when we go out, we follow the rules
And try to be sensible and not act like fools
The health and wellbeing and how we behave
Will help fellow beings to not be afraid
So yes, let us go out but behave with good style
We have all been in Lock down for such a long while
But not crowd the beaches or a beautiful place, and keep our world safe for the whole human race
The smells that tickle our taste buds
Do you often walk along and suddenly in the air,
A smell evokes your senses and takes you back somewhere
I have to say my all time great is the smell of fish and chips
It does not matter where I am, I begin to smack my lips
The favourite shop in all the world to get that special wham
Is when you walk the harbourside in my favourite place Brixham
We always go inside this shop to eat our favourite treat
And if we are the first inline can grab a window seat
You get a pensioner special which includes a cup of tea
What better place to eat and drink whilst looking out at sea
But so many smells arouse our thoughts and take us to a place
The smell of sun cream on your skin with the sun upon your face
Can take you back to some far place where memories to this day
Come straight away back into mind of some favourite holiday
And what about all-time great of the first drink of the day
Tea or coffee orange juice with our taste buds they do play
I thought of this not along ago as I sat with my first drink
It just awakes you and gives you the start and enable you to think
It clears your mind and gives you strength to face another day
Instead of thinking to yourself in bed I think I will stay
So, thank you Lord for giving us this wonderful sense of smell
And sorrow for the ones who never get the chance to tell
They have smelt the dew upon the grass or the perfume of their mothers
I will appreciate what I have got which is denied to others.
Getting back to normal after lockdown
Do you think that Lock Down had been planned to calm and redress
The damage to our selves our world we were in quite a mess
Every aspect of our lives we were always on the go
Not enough hours in the day but can’t wait until tomorrow
Suddenly we found ourselves living a totally different life
And after a time became quite used to far less woe and strife
Our cities and our towns once filled with people rushing everywhere
Not often looking from their phones let alone come up for air
And now of course some work from home and the commute they do not face
If asked I expect they would say “please keep this work in place”
I expect they see there families more and have more time to play
With any children that they have found more hours in the day
And older folk who have often felt I really must do more
And join as many clubs and Gyms must think whatever for
Because having had the last few weeks has given us more space
I think it will have changed our thought about the human race
Communities have come together like we have never seen before
The young and old the fit and frail have helped more and more
Inborn in all of us I think we have a desire to want to please
To help each other when we can, fills a space and gives us peace
We will in time return to some I suppose normality
But hope that what we have all gone through will also set us free
From trying too take on too much work, or afraid to say just no
And today say can I miss this out as I am feeling rather low
Lord help us and beside us be, and guide us to normality
What we have missed during Lockdown
The last time we all sat down was on my daughter’s special day
We travelled to the Clee Hills which was not too far away
Alison my daughter had made a special tea
I took along a veggie lasagne which is my speciality
We waited for the family to arrive so we could all then eat
And with wine and cake all set out it looked a rare old treat
Bur someone didn’t come that day, just a phone call “On our Way
But carry without us as there may be some delay”
We ate our tea they did not come more anxious we became
We tried to phone but no reply instead just leave your name
We knew that something had gone wrong whilst we looked at one another
Then early in the morning wow our daughter was a grandmother
Sammie’s baby would not wait he wanted to be around
8 weeks in fact till his due date and only just 4LB
And then the lockdown began and so no-one on the Ward
Ben was allowed but on his own so tiny Thank you Lord
Little Oscar has come on and is now 11 weeks old
We have not seen him yet, and yes, we all just want a hold
But we have stuck to all the rules that have been put in place
No wanting to expose him to a danger face to face
We know in time when lockdown ends this baby, we shall see
But first, we stay away for this little one’s safety xx
I think when Lock Down first began, and told to stay indoors
It opened a chance for most of us to catch up on some chores
But week by week as this goes on, we begin to get frustrated
Mothers Fathers young and old soon can be agitated
Young children need to run around and play with their best friend
And old folk too just need know when will this Lock Down end
We have no day trips to go on or even Coach trips out
Schools and Nurseries all closed all children missing out
I hear of even small ones now who throw their toys away
Who lash out at the ones they love for not getting their own way
They want to visit Grandma because she understands their needs
They want to sit on Grandpa’s lap and a story he can read
And older folk want to meet up with family at their place
Not on the Phone or Face Book time but talk just face to face
We see some folk who appear to us not to give care
And do what they want but for us to judge well that is not really fair
If in a high rise flat, you live, and you feel worse off than most
Would you not go off with a friend to walk along the coast
We should not judge we should not snitch on people we don’t know
Behind closed doors some of these folks live a life we will never know
So, for the time and if you can yes just follow all the rules
And hope the time is not far of when kids can go to school
Because for some they really dread the start of each new day
And if we know much better times, for these people we should pray
Being Judgemental or the Prodigal Son
This poem is based on true facts from within my own family
How often do we look amazed if someone just walks by
Whose looks and style are rather loud, and you just wonder why
Well I probably know a lot than more because we are rather strange
In dress and style and hair colour we cover quite a range
Why do we want to stand out more when some of us are shy?
It hides a lot of worries and I will try and tell you why
You can always feel the odd one out even in your family
You often question you own self is the problem really me
You can be 6ft 2” in height and all who look at you
Would wonder why this young man so often feels so blue
Ok he’s got the tattoo’s and the piercings by the score
And would never discuss his reasons why he always needs some more
And during this Long Lockdown the hours spent on the phone
Are to his Mom whose miles away and she just wants him home
And when the phone goes down, he drinks and spends most time in bed
While is Mother all those miles away keeps worrying that he is dead
So, when this man (he is 24 )can be alone no more
He cycles miles and then gets lost and knocks on any door
Of course, they turn him straight away what on earth does he look like
Tattooed, pierced and out at night just on his tatty bike
His Mother makes her mind up, no more will he just roam
And sends another relative to fetch this young man home
All the family are delighted but he doesn’t want a fuss
He’s got his image to protect does not want to be a Wuss
I phoned to find out how he was and thanked God that he was safe
And when and if you see this lad, a judgement do not make.
Do you think one day our lives will go back to pre-Corona Virus
When we could talk and think about of things that do not scare us
Every day we need to know and want to find out more
But Media, Papers just seem to me each other to point score
We need to have some normal talk and hear of pleasant things
Of people being happy and all the joy that brings
The sound of people laughing, and not all doom and gloom
Where we can all sit down together and not in a separate room
And will we ever go outdoors and not have to be apart
When people walking close to us into the hedge, we dart
Or going round the local shop and stop to have a chat
Instead of covered mouths (can we soon put pay to that)
And will we finally have the day when we can give a hug
And not be frightened that we will catch this awful bug
And families can meet up once more instead of on the phone
And meet the people who sadly are living on their own
We hope to find a cure one day where no-one gets this virus
And babies coming into this world will never know this crisis
The mental strain this virus has put on for lots of us
You only see the outside face as you don’t want too much fuss
The strain of trying to be strong sometimes is hard to bear
To carry on with life and appear to have no care
But Young and old do often feel that they are in a fog
And inner thought can soon take hold that awful name Black Dog
I know of people close to me who suffer but feel shame
That they can’t cope seems a weakness they won’t claim
So once this virus petered out It may not go away
I hope these folks can tell the world just why their lives seem grey
View from a bench
Today I set out on my usual daily walk
We Walk along just quietly, there is no need to talk
It is surprising when you walk a lot you set yourself a pace
And who ever walks along with you realize this is not a race
You walk along occasionally, then stopping to admire
Today we stopped abruptly to admire St Michaels Spire
This is a walk we take most day and walk just quietly through
Looking at the names on graves sone ancient and some new
A few benches are scattered round some shaded, some in Sun
Quiet unexpectedly I felt the urge to sit on one.
My poor old hip was very sore. And I was leaning on my stick
Thinking to myself the best one I could pick
But I did not really get that choice has my hip just gave away
And to the nearest bench I went and guessed I would have to stay
So, my better half then said to me ! I need to fetch the Car”
The state you are in we won’t get home and to walk it is too far
So off he went to get the car, and on the bench, I duly sat
Just watching people going by, and occasionally we would chat
Of course, we are very careful now, to close would never do
But sitting chatting in the sun is a pleasant thing to do
I saw so many people pass some do not want to talk
But so many folks include a church into their daily walk
I think with all that is going on, we look for somewhere safe
And churches everywhere just seem to fill that often empty space
With closure now it is a shame you cannot sit inside
But the beauty of these buildings is difficult to hide
All though you might not go to Church or even have a faith
At times like this you need to sit and feel you are somewhere safe
So, from my bench with my poor hip I watched as people passed
And thought the Covid 19 for ever it wont last
This lovely Church and others more will open their doors wide
And welcome weary travellers in please enter “Come Inside”
Of course, I believe
Often, I have been asked, “why are you sure that God exists”
And the first thought that comes to mind in their life what have they missed?
To start with, that we are here must answer the one main question
Or otherwise explain to me what would then be your suggestion
Just look around especially now when life for once is slow
Just ask your self “those lovely flowers from a seed how did they grow?
The sea the sand the plants and trees the ground beneath your feet
Without our God the world around would not be so complete
I also think deep down inside most people really know
That in his image we all are made, to enable us to grow
And then his only Son our Lord came down to meet his people
And mystified all those he met with miracle after miracle
A humble man in his short life he transformed so many lives
Many more who would have died he helped them to survive
And because some people could not stand a man to be so good
They mocked and jeered and finally nailed him on a piece of wood
But this brave man until the end whilst hanging from the Cross
Spoke to his Mother Mary who sat grieving for her loss
And then the crowd around him so scared but kept on booing
“My Father please forgive them for they know not what they are doing”
Over 2000 years have since then passed and here we are today
However scared that you may be To God you still can pray
Just talk to him explain you fears, and why you feel so low
Quietly in your ear he will say “This is the path to follow”
Perils of cycling
Since Boris bravely said to us, we are lifting some Lock Down
People in this country have really gone to town
He told us all that if we could to try and use a bike
Sounds good so far, what is there not to like
So, cycling shops just everywhere have really gone to town
A bike of any size they make, not to let the country down
However, in these Fatal words one thing he did not tell
Before you even venture out just get your bike a bell
Its no-good thundering down some path with the family all in tow
The people strolling down the lane just really ought to know
If the timings right, it is not too bad to jump into the gutter
But if you cycle right between them, bad words they surely utter
Ramblers with their stout boots on are often quite a sight
And often brandish walking sticks when Their right of Ways not right
Cows and sheep wild horses very often stray
Into the paths of ramblers (I am sure they rue the day)
But close to home does Boris mean if you want to get to get about
Just dust down your old Raleigh (last time used in the Black Out)
And on the busy city Roads with bricks upon your back
You arrive at Barratts building Site to get housing back on track
Or if you are a plumber you really need to think
Not wise on the M6 you know whist carrying a sink
And all these lovely fun days out think about the time it takes
Cyclist blocking up the roads just heading for the Lakes
And then they do not want anyone until the virus goes
So, turn around around and cycle back and reveal your latest woes.
So, I think the best advice to all, Lycra shorts? just send them back, Then practice in the garden, until you have got the knack
Feeling uneasy
Will we ever reach a point when we will feel ok?
It certainly wasn’t yesterday, nor very much today
You hear the news and then they say the worst recession we’ve had
But going out and risking lives that would be really bad
But no, we must get back to work, we need to keep things going
But stepping out the big unknown our fear must keep on showing
So how do we take that first big step and get back on the train
Will it be just like before, pressed tight was such a pain
And even more now we all fear, that we might catch the virus
Will it be me or the chap sat down, or maybe even all of us
Some say we all must wear a mask, while others say don’t bother
If someone coughs or blows their nose do, we then run for cover
The virus that we face today is such an unknow source
You never know do you go out, or let its run its course
So many people on there own are desperate to go out
To meet with friends there one desire, but will their family shout
“You know you are over 70, and have been told you must stay in”
But sit in a friend’s garden is it really such a sin
To hug a Son a daughter a mum or just a friend
The lack of social contact will drive us round the bend
If you decide you will take that risk, then you must take the blame
But not be harsh on those who say, well I don’t feel the same
Because this virus will keep spreading it will not go away
So how you decide what is right for you and that’s the price you’ll pay!!
Lockdown update
9 weeks in and now we are told some measures would be lifted
It is all because the Virus threat somehow has finally shifted
The good news is that our death rate is finally going down
But stay alert we all must do to keep these figures down
So maybe we can now go out just more than once a day
Meet up with daughter maybe son but stay 6 foot away
Those people going back to work must try to walk or ride a bike
Which isn’t easy if from memory was on your 3 wheeled trike
Across the country perhaps we will see more couples riding tandems
Whilst arguing who is pedalling most, could lead to bikes abandoned
We must ensure to wear a mask if we do venture out
Remember though when you are muffled you really need to shout
So, let us all embrace these moves whilst trying to stay safe
Get more to normal living tiny steps we all must make
Let us get our Country moving, and hope for better times
And hear the Church Bells ring once more (even if it’s just one chime)
Look forward to the time once more when with our families meet
Catch up with friends and have a drink, shared meals we all can eat
It won’t be easy when we start, we will probably be afraid
But if we all stick to the rules, mistakes should not be made
It may be weeks or even months but will not be forever
And look forward to the better times when we are all together
75 years ago, today
the sound of bombing went away
Thousands of troops began to retreat
as Germany knew that they were beat
Thousands died in that World War,
we will never know the final score
Soldiers lying in unmarked graves
who died for us, so we were saved
Many families lost their loved ones
Shot left to die by enemy guns
Soldiers captured and put to work
Beaten to death if they did shirk
Others loaded just like cattle
To camps, and lost their final battle
Back at home families waited
And see the telegram they hated
Killed in action, maybe missing
All hope gone but still just wishing
The day when peace will come at last
Put all this horror in the past
Just celebrate when they come back
So thankful for our loved ones back
So, they danced and sang just everywhere
Partied long without a care
We vowed that day on May 8th
That Britain would again be great
We would rebuild our lives and towns
And smile relief, no furrowed frowns
And so, in this year 2020
Our lives may seem a little empty
We are at war against an enemy
Not seen by us but striking many
People ill and people crying
The Virus attacks with people dying
To stop this Virus in its tracks
We really need to watch our backs
So, stay indoors it may be weeks
Until this unknown virus peaks
Yes, it is boring, and can be sad
But reflect on what we have’s not bad
Remember our ancestors 6 long years
Were separated with countless fears
No phone to ring, maybe a letter
They rallied round and made things better
They had so little but shared it round
And in there shelters underground
They spent there nights while bombs kept dropping
But in the morning never stopping
Just carried on with hope anew
The ray of hope just got them through
So, as we remember VE Day
We pray this Virus to go away
But until we know, without a doubt
We think of others PLEASE DON’T GO OUT
Today I need to think about
How the past few weeks have gone
8 weeks of isolation
Really has not been much fun
The days just seem to follow on
The same time spent all day
The need to find an interest
To take the blues away
But not everything in Lockdown
As really been all bad
We have had lots of sunshine
For which I am glad
I have a lovely garden
Where I sit out with my tea
And think about so many more
Who have far less than me
But somehow this much quieter life
As made me stop and think
The pollution that man has made
Has left us on the brink
Our seas are clogged with unknown waste
Our skies polluted too
We need to be reminded that
These are not the things to do.
So perhaps before we all go back
As return to work we must
Our economy does need lifting up
Otherwise we will go bust
But we mustn’t now slip into
Our former way of life
A cleaner way we must adhere
To stop much further strife
Lets just begin by travelling less
To make a cleaner air
And not go back to wanting more
And make the world more fair
I imagine when in years to come
New families will give birth
And let this generation know
We almost killed Gods Earth
Each day a daily briefing
Is held by our MP’s
To let us know just what has brought
Our country to its knees
The figures keep on rising
And deaths just getting higher
Nothing to inspire us
And everything is dire
We older folk are told to stay
Keep safe, and stay and stay indoors
But even over 70’s
Have a go button not just pause
How much longer can we stay
And not see family
Or ask a friend just to come round
And have a cup of tea
I know the reason is quite sound
And does make sense to me
But just sometimes to step outside
Would be wonderful for me
To smell the grass oh what joy
That has just been newly cut
And hear the bird song loudly
And not feel in such a rut
And gently stroll along the road
And see my neighbours out
And have a little talk with them
Is what life is all about
A lovely smile on someone’s face
Can so light up my day
The sound of children laughing
AS they continue with their play
So hopefully the day will dawn
When us oldies without doubt
Will feel the sun upon our Face
And say Thank God we can come out
This Lock Down never seems to end
It has been going on for weeks
It is important that we stay indoors
Until the virus peaks
But if you are alone and sad
And no-one talks to you
It is hard to join a group chat in
If you have no PC
It is the same for mundane things in life
Time and time when you just ring
A recorded voice tells you again
That no-one is answering
Just go online the voice goes on
And type in our web page data
You now can pay all your bills
There is no need for paper
Again, you ring the Doctor
“Use option one to 9
Or go onto our website
And book yourself online”
I only need some extra pills
My prescription has run out
Not hearing you a voice says back
Go back and sort it out
Listen carefully you are told
Press a number then the hash
I do not know what a hash key is
Someone’s head I want to bash
So being on your own is bad
No-one can give advice
Where do I go when feeling ill?
To speak to someone nice
And if I think I will order that
From the paper that I read
Just log on to our website
And order what you need
So, spare a thought you IT Folk
For us who live alone
And need to sometimes hear a voice
Because we only have a phone.
Darling buds of May
Today the 1st of May we start
And the proverb comes about
Being told “neer cast a clout
Till the month of may be out.
But was it at the end of May
Or the Blossom on the tree
Whichever version you believe
The Blossom is for me
I have heard to bring it in the house
Can sometimes bring bad luck
But blossom in a bride’s bouquet
Surely that must be Good Luck
A lot of things we say today
Date back from long ago
But wise they were with words so clear
So sensible to know
So, when I see the buds of May
Upon my daily walk
I will think about these quotes of old
Which still we all do talk
Today will be not quite the same
As lock down still goes on
But if you can go for a walk
See what you come upon
We found cowslips in the hedge
And forget me nots galore
And May upon the Tree of course
We could not ask for me
Some days in Lockdown can be bad
When everything seems black
And we wish and pray to God please
Give us our old lives back
But for us to keep the future safe
And it certainly can be glum
We must consider, and preserve this world
For generations yet to come
A Shining Light
Throughout these days of Lock Down
There has been one shining light
Of course, I mean our Captain Tom
Who set out with one clear sight
A hundred laps he set himself
To raise one thousand pound
To help our brilliant NHS
And spread morale around
The amazing thing about out Tom
His age was 99
He did not even stop to say
I can’t do this, instead said I am fine
So soon the word spread round the world
Of the great goal he had set
The general public dug in deep
And soon his target met
But no, it did not end just there
More money kept on coming
Singers, stars, around the world
For Tom they kept on Gunning
He made a song with Michael Ball
You’ll Never walk alone”
And still the money kept pouring in.
By Text and mail and phone
AS he approached his 100th year
The money reached 5 million
And now today is Birthday date
That amount is £30 million
So, when this virus finally goes
One thing that will impress
The courage of the resilient man
Who saved the NHS
Cloudy Days
Dear Lord, some days I do awake
Bad thought inside my head
And feel the need to ask you Lord
Where can I lay my head
The smile upon my face sometimes
Its just pretence not real
But to afraid to tell someone
Exactly how I feel
I want to know how others cope
When something makes them sad
Do they like me put on a smile?
While deep inside feel bad
I do what I have always done
Pick myself back up again
Some thought can go back in a box
The ones that bring back pain
It only takes a chance remark
To take me to a place
Of darkness pain and suffering
Which I can barely face
Thank Goodness Lord that I have you
To offload all my pain
And thank you Lord your arms
Of love
Won’t take me back again
All things bright and Beautiful

As usual today Lord
I had my daily walk
Its at these times I find
Myself to you I easily talk
The stillness during lockdown
Has made life so much clearer
The beauty of the Countryside
Somehow, I feel you nearer
Now I find I look at more
Some flowers I would ignore
Dandelions with bright yellow heads
Dear Lord, you made them all
The buttercups and daisy too
I have sometimes overlooked
And only noticed bigger blooms
That somehow overtook
The beauty of each flower you made
The beauty of the sky
The beauty of the lush green grass
Such beauty makes me cry
The bluebells in the graveyard
The smell so overpowering
Forget me knots so beautiful
Oh Lord such beauty flowering
The tiny lambs just newly born
Bleat by their Mothers side
Mother Nature at its best
On you we have relied
I stop and take this beauty in
And then walk on some more
I feel your breath upon my face
But still I yearn for more
If each day I can go out
If only for an hour
I will appreciate more lord
Each tree each weed each flower.
Inner Peace
When the virus first began
And we started isolation
I thought at first that not too bad
And looked for consolation
I found it first just looking out
At the Spring Flowers just in bloom
The birds were singing merrily
All this from my front room
We walked each day just for one hour
Back home a cup of tea
Perhaps I’lll make a cake today
No Rush just wait and see
And so, the days turned into weeks
And more days spent inside
Started to weigh me down a bit
These feelings hard to hide
I thought I shouldn’t feel like this
There are far worse off than me
I am not alone in just a room
With no real company
The anxious thought inside my head
Then started to retreat
I though this way of life although not right
Is something hard to beat
It is what I’ve wanted for a while
But never found the time
To sit and take in all I have
God given to all Man Kind
So now a sort of Inner Peace
As settled deep inside
I pray this virus will soon go
We can somehow turn the tide
And perhaps when this is over
A new way of life will start
For all of us and not just me
Each with a bigger heart
Lost for words
It really is not often Lord
That words are hard to say
You know I chatter all the time
Quite often all the day
I really want to tell you Lord
Of good things in my life
But feel afraid to do so
Amidst all this awful strife
Perhaps that is the problem
I want to take the strain
I feel I need to help someone
And bear some of their pain
I miss my friends and family
AS thousands of us do
I want to hug and feel them close
And know they are close to you close
We Face time, Zoom and on the phone
We speak and stay in touch
And for that I do thank you Lord
You have given me so much
I pray for all the people Lord
Who are really on their own
Who haven’t got what I have got
And often sit alone
Lord without you in my Life
Goodness knows where I would be
But in my darkest hours Lord
You have sat right close to me
And this is what we need right now
Your arms around us all
While we balance on this abyss
You will not let us fall.
When the world died
A new year began we raised a glass
Not knowing then what was to pass
Some news came through about a virus
Nothing then which would surprise us
Then we heard this virus spreading
Into our country which we were dreading
But still we carried on as normal
Stiff upper lip let’s keep it formal
Off to works by bus or train
Coughing sneezing what a pain
Get back home with aches and pains
Coughing badly, we racked our brains
Had we got this dreaded virus
Surely not our boss will fire us
But then we couldn’t move a limb
Our coughing racked from right within
We lay in bed and could not move
Away from friends no one to soothe
Hospital packed from floor to ceiling
Of patients ill, the Nurses reeling
Never witnessed this before
As more and more came through the door
Thousands dying on their own
While loved one waited by the phone
In every corner in our world
The same old virus became unfurled
By then we all were made to stay
Same old routine every day
Not allowed to go outdoors
We stayed inside and locked our doors
WE watched the news more people dying
And every day we sat there crying
We prayed to God that this would end
And promised him we make amends
To undo all the damage done
By mans desire this world to run
So, when all this as gone away
Let’s settle down and turn away
From all the bad things going on
And follow the path of your dear Son.
Easter Day
No time to celebrate this Easter Day
Until this virus goes away
Our Lord has risen in pain no more
He gently knocks on heaven’s door
But we’re indoors and quite afraid
But thankful for the sacrifice he has made
He died for us, we want to sing
An Hallelujah to our King
But no we sit and pray alone
No Church today we stay at home
But do we really need a place
To give our thanks for your good grace
We miss our church we really do
But anywhere today will do
We quietly sit and wonder how
The empty tomb you left somehow,
No one believed you on that day
You said you’d never go away
But rise and leave in all your glory
And create the everlasting storyEaster Day
No time to celebrate this Easter Day
Until this virus goes away
Our Lord has risen in pain no more
He gently knocks on heaven’s door
But we’re indoors and quite afraid
But thankful for the sacrifice he has made
He died for us, we want to sing
An Hallelujah to our King
But no we sit and pray alone
No Church today we stay at home
But do we really need a place
To give our thanks for your good grace
We miss our church we really do
But anywhere today will do
We quietly sit and wonder how
The empty tomb you left somehow,
No one believed you on that day
You said you’d never go away
But rise and leave in all your glory
And create the everlasting story
Easter Day
No time to celebrate this Easter Day
Until this virus goes away
Our Lord has risen in pain no more
He gently knocks on heaven’s door
But we’re indoors and quite afraid
But thankful for the sacrifice he has made
He died for us, we want to sing
An Hallelujah to our King
But no we sit and pray alone
No Church today we stay at home
But do we really need a place
To give our thanks for your good grace
We miss our church we really do
But anywhere today will do
We quietly sit and wonder how
The empty tomb you left somehow,
No one believed you on that day
You said you’d never go away
But rise and leave in all your glory
And create the everlasting story
Just thinking
I think too much and worry to
Of things I really ought to do
I can’t knit nor can I sew
But hey I ought to have a go
In desperate times I must try out
New skills I hadn’t thought about
Our Church looks grand with flowers growing
And tubs with tulips overflowing
And someone’s taken time to spare
To take some pictures for us to share
So today Ill get my paint set out
And quietly sit and sort it out
Then dip my brush and start with green
And paint the grass to start my scene
Then some yellow for the flowers
(I think that this will take me hours)
Then blue for such a clear sky
Such beauty Lord I want to cry
So, thank you Lord for what you gave
This Holy week so you could save
Such souls like me too blind to see
Of all that you have given me
Creation new creation
Last year my garden got sadly out of hand. The wisteria, which my late husband planted just a year before his death in 2003, had grown to such an extent that it covered nearly three 6’ fence panels, and had grown at least 2’ above them. Over the past 17 years it had bloomed every year so beautifully, with a fantastic scent, that it reminded me so much of David’s aspirations on his retirement, to transform our garden. On my 60th birthday, to continue his vision, I planted a Rowan tree, but that last year got diseased, and began to die off.
Last summer though, the wisteria ceased to blossom. The fence behind it began to come apart, and break under its’ weight. I had to have it dug out and the fence replaced. Sadly, the Rowan tree was also dug out. No longer were there the lovely orange berries, much relished by the birds in the late summer and Autumn.
part from losing the blossom on the wisteria, which hung like heavy, pale blue, upside down candles, the birds would no longer have anywhere to feed as spring began to dawn.
However as the weeks have gone on, and the sun has come out, I have noticed blue tits again in a tree which overhangs my back fence in the garden opposite, feeding and singing, and playing in its’ branches in the sunshine. In the boarder beneath where the wisteria had been, hellebores which had been choked by it, have suddenly sprouted, and flowered again. And I thank God for his creation.
In these difficult and sometimes depressing times, we praise you for the goodness and beauty of your creation. We thank you for your timeless renewal of all that you give us for our wellbeing, our physical, and our spiritual nourishment. Let us never forget your boundless generosity and unfailing love for us, in Jesus, name Amen.
(John 12.24 )
And so, it goes on
The 3rd week now of Isolation
An air of sadness across the Nation
Stuck indoors, no friends for tea
Easy to say “It’s just poor me”
But for minute just let’s take stock
The NHS work round the Clock
We get our food and we are served
By girls on tills our thanks deserved
Farmers, Drivers, Men in lorries
All able us to fill our trollies
We stocked to much, so food was scarce
Some went without the worst nightmare
So, if like me you can’t go out
Do stuff at home to help folk out
Make scrubs or masks for NHS
So, they can work with far less stress
Ge some wool and start some knitting
Better for you than simply sitting
Phone a friend or even better
Get some paper and write a letter
Or paint or crayon so much to choose
Do it now don’t get the blues
It’s easy if you are feeling down
And not to smile just wear a frown
So today again I’ll make that start
Lord I thank you from my Heart
It’s Ok
When people say how are you and we say ok
Well today I’ve been thinking it’s not always the way
It’s ok to be upset and ok to be sad
The things in the news, well they are really bad
We try (well I know I do) to think of the good
And be thankful, like many as I know I should
But just for a moment well just let it out
I’m sure God won’t mind if we all have a shout
And say this is awful, and what can we do
We ask you in earnest just give us a clue
Is it ok to rant about all who are dying?
Is it ok to rant for all who are crying?
Is it ok to rant about the folk on their own?
Who perhaps who have no-one to pick up the phone?
Well God my rants over and I hope you forgive
Because I know you are seeing the way that we live
You are always there for us as much as a friend
Now in the future and right at the end
Inspiration by Judith Rowe
An air of stillness over cities and towns
No one’s about,” don’t bring out the clowns”
No laughter of Children and no Face to Face
So totally strange to our usual Rat Race
Most of the buildings lie empty, forlorn
But not in our hospitals where they work dusk till dawn
Our Doctors and Nurses are working full pace
Tending the ill and the dying all over the place
So, let us all pause from Woman to Man
And love one another as this was God’s plan
Now is the time to love not to hate
To turn back the tide, before it’s too late
And when this is over, how long that may be
We meet up with each other, and be able to see
The look on the faces of all that we meet
Of a future before us each with a blank sheet
To start off together with hope in our heart
That we have come through this, so let’s make a new start
Corona virus by Judith Rowe
C Coming together as Christians
O Openness with each other
R Reflect on what’s happening
O Offering to help
N Needing Gods Love
A Applying ourselves to different needs
V Vigilant in our Daily Lives
I In this together
R Reaching out to the Needy
U United we stand
S Staying in touch
Your truth shines bright Lord, dazzling
Chasing away the shadows of my hesitation
Stands stark, confronts me in uncomfortable clarity
And what you ask highlights the gap between the wish and the reality
My son explaining to my autistic granddaughter that they can no longer visit the shops... they only ever go to 2 shops WH Smith and then a visit to McDonalds a regular weekly treat.
Imogen says to her Dad "that's sad I will miss my friend"
Her Dad said "Who is your friend"
Imogen replied "Mr McFlurry" (The Ice Cream)
I am going to keep this in mind when I can't get something I consider important to me.
David Ford, 24/03/2020