A Prayer for the week
Merciful Lord,
you know our struggle to serve you:
when sin spoils our lives
and overshadows our hearts,
come to our aid
and turn us back to you again;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Fourth Sunday of Lent
This Week at All Saints:
For information about church activities, services and Zoom links, please read this week's Church Newsletter.
The Pattern of Services at All Saints' and St Godwald's:
1st Sunday in month:
8.00 am Holy Communion CW at All Saints’.
10.30 am Joint Service of Holy Communion CW with All Saints' at St. Godwald’s.
2nd Sunday in month:
9.00 am Holy Communion BCP at St Godwald's
10.30 am Joint Service of Holy Communion CW with St Godwald's at All Saints’.
3rd Sunday in month:
8.00 am Holy Communion at All Saints.
10.30 am Morning Worship at All Saints'.
10.30 am Holy Communion CW at St Godwald’s
4th Sunday in month:
9.00 am Holy Communion BCP at St Godwald's
10.30 am Holy Communion CW at All Saints’.
10.30 am Morning Worship at St Godwald's.
5th Sunday in month:
10.00 am Team Service in various churches.
Saturday 1st March:
5.00 pm All Saints': Soul and Senses Service led by Rev'd Deb Buckley and Gill Gould
Sunday 2nd March: The Sunday next before Lent
8.00 am All Saints': Said Holy Communion led by Rev'd Sue Humphries.
10.30 am St Godwald's: Joint Service of Holy Communion (CW) with All Saints’ led by Rev'd Ann Cogle
Wednesday 5th March: Ash Wednesday
10.00 am St Godwald's: Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes led by Rev'd Ann Cogle
Sunday 9th March: Lent 1
9.00 am St. Godwald’s: Holy Communion (BCP) led by Rev'd Ann Cogle
10.30 am All Saints': Joint Holy Communion (CW) with St Godwald's led by Rev'd Deb Buckley
Sunday 16th March: Lent 2
8.00 am All Saints’: Said Holy Communion led by Rev'd Sue Humphries.
10.30 am St Godwald's: Holy Communion (CW) led by Rev'd Ann Cogle
10.30 am All Saints': Morning Worship led by Pam Rosewarne and Sue Ward
Sunday 23rd March: Lent 3
9.00 am Said Holy Communion (BCP) at St. Godwald’s led by Rev'd Deb Buckley.
10.30 am St Godwald’s: Morning Worship led by Emma Morris and Judith Rowe
10.30 am All Saints’: Holy Communion (CW)
Saturday 29th March:
5.00 pm St Godwald’s: Pizza Church led by Kirsten MacDonald.
Sunday 30th March: Lent 4 - Mothering Sunday
10.30 am St. Godwald’s: Family Service with Holy Communion (CW) led by Rev’d Ann Cogle
Pastoral Letter
Read the the latest
pastoral letter. Previous pastoral letters can be found below.
Rev David Ford has also made his sermons, since March 2020, available. These can be viewed on our dedicated
Sermons page.
Previous newsletters:
March 9th, 16th, 23rd
March 2nd
February 23rd
February 9th, 16th
February 2nd
January 26th
January 19th
January 12th
January 5th
December 22nd, 29th
December 15th
December 8th
December 1st
November 24th
November 3rd, 10th, 17th